
[关键词]硬件 软件 计算机

第1个回答  2010-12-11
In modern society, comupters can be found in most families. But during the process of utilization and operation, some problems will exist due to some inevitable factors. The computer is one production combined with hardware and software, with the absence of any one of which the computer cannot be operated, in other words, if any fault happens in any one of the hardware and software, the normal utilization of the computer can be infulenced. So, as to computer maintenance and repair, not only the related knowledge of hardware but also the related knowledge of software should be known of. Therefore, only if both of the knowledge of them are mastered, the maintenace and repair of the computer can be done well.
Key words: Hardware; Software; Computer.
第2个回答  2010-12-11
In modern society, computer entered innumberable families. But in its use and operation of the process, the possible because some factors unavoidable appear some condition, the computer is by hardware and software products, both incorporated in the lack of a may not use, Can say, one of those two failure will also affect the normal use. So, to the computer maintenance and repair, not only to understand the hardware of relevant knowledge, but also an understanding of software of relevant knowledge. Therefore, only the master of the software and hardware basic knowledge and skills, can improve computer maintenance and repair work.
第3个回答  2010-12-11
In modern socity,computer has become a household necessity.However,it's unavoidable that some problems may occur when it's opaerated.As we may know,a computer is a joint product composed by two parts-the hardware and the software ,and it can't work if there is only one part.,i.e,either failure of these two parts will affect the normal operation.Therefore,to maintain and repaire a computer,one should have a good knowledge of both hareware and software. And anyone who is competent in computer maintenance only if he has a good command of both relevant theories and technics.
第4个回答  2010-12-11
In modern society, computer households. However, its use and operation of the process, certain factors may be inevitable because of some condition, the computer hardware and software combined by the product, you can not use both dispensable; also can be said that both the A failure would affect the normal use. Therefore, computer maintenance and repair, not only to understand the knowledge of the hardware, but also know how to software-related knowledge. Therefore, only the hardware and software to master the basic knowledge and skills in order to improve computer maintenance and repair work.本回答被网友采纳