

第1个回答  2023-07-27

"hand" 是一个多功能的英语单词,可以作为名词、动词和形容词使用。以下是一些常见的用法和搭配:

1. 名词用法:

- A helping hand: 帮助之手,帮助的支持

- Shake hands: 握手

- Hold hands: 牵手

- Hand in hand: 手拉手,密切合作

- On the one hand... on the other hand: 一方面...另一方面

2. 动词用法:

- Hand someone something: 给某人递送/交给某人某物 (e.g. Can you please hand me the book?)

- Hand in something: 提交某物 (e.g. Don't forget to hand in your assignment by the deadline.)

- Hand out something: 分发某物 (e.g. The teacher handed out the exam papers to the students.)

- Hand over something: 移交/交出某物 (e.g. The suspect was asked to hand over the weapon to the police.)

3. 形容词用法:

- Hands-on: 实践性的,亲身操作的 (e.g. The workshop offers hands-on experience in pottery making.)

- Handmade: 手工制作的 (e.g. She sells beautiful handmade jewelry.)

- Handpicked: 精心挑选的 (e.g. The team consists of handpicked experts in their field.)

- Underhanded: 不光明正大的,卑鄙的 (e.g. He used underhanded tactics to gain an advantage.)

此外,"hand" 还有一些其他的短语和习语用法,使得其更加丰富多样。希望以上解释对你有所帮助!