

第1个回答  2023-08-23





1、The sky is cloudy and dark,belike it's going to rain later.

2、He was pacing back and forth,belike he was nervous about the upcoming interview.

3、The restaurant is crowded and noisy,belike it's a popular spot for locals.

4、She's wearing a warm coat and a scarf,belike it's quite cold outside.

5、He's staring at his phone with a grin,belike he just received good news.

6、The room is filled with musical instruments and recording equipment,belike it's a music studio.

7、The street is lined with colorful flags and decorations,belike there's a festival happening.

8、She's carrying a basket of fresh produce,belike she's been to the farmer's market.

9、He's frowning at his computer screen,belike he's having trouble with his assignment.

10、The dogs are barking loudly,belike there's a stranger approaching the house.