把下列句子变为一般疑问句,进行肯定回答,否定回答。然后再变为否定句。急求啊!答出来再送财富值 1.

1. The backpack is 25 yuan each.
2. I buy two socks for five yuan.
3. My cousin has an old car.

第1个回答  2015-12-20
您好,答案是 is the backpack 25 yuan each?
yes,it is.
no,it isn't.
The backpack isn't 25 yuan each.

3do you buy two socks for five yuan?

yes,i do
no,i don't
I don't buy two socks for five yuan.

1does your cousin have an old car?
yes,he does
no,he doesn't
2my cousin doesn't have an old car
第2个回答  2015-12-20
is the backpack 25 yuan each?
yes,it is.
no,it isn't.
The backpack isn't 25 yuan each.

do you buy two socks for five yuan?

yes,i do
no,i don't
I don't buy two socks for five yuan.

does your cousin have an old car?
yes,he does
no,he doesn't
my cousin doesn't have an old car本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2015-12-20
