

第1个回答  2023-08-07

Paul[pɔ:l]n. 保罗(男子名)。


Paul will box his opponent tomorrow evening.明晚保罗将和他的对手进行拳击比赛。

Paul expects to put through the attempt .保罗希望顺利完成这项尝试。

I had a strong education team with Paul Root, my former world history teacher, and Don Ernst.我有一个强力的教育政策队伍,成员有我以前的世界历史老师保罗·鲁特和唐。恩斯特。

Paul was disposed to help her with her french .保罗想要帮助她学法语。

Paul seemed more impressed by the dove .保尔似乎对鸽子更感兴趣。

Paul Klee's eerie hand puppets come a few rooms later, amid designs for tapestries and glasswork.过了几个房间会看到保罗·克利怪异的布袋木偶放在挂毯设计和玻璃制品中间。

Are you sure what's right, paul ?保罗,你对哪一种意见是正确的有把握吗?

Paul adapted himself to the new environment .保罗适应新的环境。

It's difficult to find paul in a sentence. 用paul造句挺难的