请问HDMI 1.2,1.3及1.3a有何分别?另外HDMI 1.2,1.3投影机边款好D?Thanks!


第1个回答  2022-09-28
HDMI不同version的分别可以参考网上百科全书 .search.yahoo/search/ *** ?ei=UTF-8&meta=rst=&p=HDMI&orig_url=en. *** /wiki/HDMI¤t_results_index=1&show_related=& HDMI 1.0 Released December 2002. Single-cable digital audio/video connection with a maximum bitrate of 4.9 Gbit/s. Supports up to 165Mpixels/s video (1080p60 Hz or UXGA) and 8-channel/192 kHz/24-bit audio. HDMI 1.1 Released May 2004. Added support for DVD Audio. HDMI 1.2 Released August 2005. Added support for One Bit Audio used on Super Audio CDs up to 8 channels. Availability of HDMI Type A connector for PC sources. Ability for PC sources to use native RGB color-space while retaining the option to support the YCbCr CE color space. Requirement for HDMI 1.2 and later displays to support low-voltage sources. HDMI 1.2a Released December 2005. Fully specifies Consumer Electronic Control (CEC) features mand sets and CEC pliance tests. HDMI 1.3 Released 22 June 2006. Increases single-link bandwidth to 340 MHz (10.2 Gbit/s) Optionally supports 30-bit 36-bit and 48-bit xvYCC with Deep Color or over one billion colors up from 24-bit sRGB or YCbCr in previous versions. Incorporates automatic audio syncing (lip sync) capability. Supports output of Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio streams for external decoding by AV receivers.[9] TrueHD and DTS-HD are lossless audio codec formats used on HD DVDs and Blu-ray Discs. If the disc player can decode these streams into unpressed audio then HDMI 1.3 is not necessary as all versions of HDMI can trport unpressed audio. Availability of a new mini connector for devices such as camcorders. HDMI 1.3a Released 10 November 2006. Cable and Sink modifications for Type C Source termination remendation Removed undershoot and maximum rise/fall time limits. CEC capacitance limits changed RGB video quantization range clarification CEC mands for timer control brought back in an altered form audio control mands added. Concurrently released pliance test specification included. HDMI 1.3b Testing specification released 26 March 2007. 至于边部投影好可以参考下著名投影机评价网站projector central 投影机排名 projectorcentral/home-theater-projectors 有钱就梗系JVC DLA-HD1啦.中国香港卖紧四万几又系三片式唔驶惊好似DLP咁有彩虹格仔又密过LCD好多仲密过DLP原本Sony VW50仲平但系Projectorcentral话佢唔够sharp同720P LCD差唔多我去视听展睇过又真系麻麻地只系比720P LCD较鲜艳. 至于话JVC DLA-HD1唔系HDMI 1.3唔支援高色深我就觉得唔系大问题其实套戏拍得靓啲只碟编码做得好啲实际过一味规格劲睇翻现今的DVD真系都唔知有冇1%系真系发挥到DVD应有质素我储咗咁耐DVD画质好既唔多过30只. 至于720P投影机就唔系好建议买喇HDTV已经如火如荼就快有得睇Blu-Ray HD-DVD又系1080P.点都买1080P投影机啦.最多唔够钱就买Panasonic AE1000罗. 2007-06-28 13:24:10 补充: 很高兴意见对你合用其实最大分别系传送资料速度上的分别,即是宽频6M同10M嘅分别, 在书上看其实HDMI1.2已够行1080P了, 返正你有心玩音响都唔会用电视个喇巴出声,多数也是分线入扩音机,所以其实对一般用家问题不大,但亦有好多影音发烧友系HDDVD/BR先入AVM再由AVM入电视咁就有用, 因为现已有HDDTS制式已开始出现,所以有必要做大D同快D速度的HDMI lor