

第1个回答  2012-09-01
get/gɛt/( gets, getting, got, gotten, got )CET4

You use get with adjectives to mean "become." For example, if someone gets cold, they become cold, and if they get angry, they become angry. (与形容词连用) 变得例:The boys were getting bored.男孩子们渐渐变得厌烦起来。例:From here on, it can only get better.从现在开始,情况只会变得更好。
Get is used with expressions referring to states or situations. For example, to get into trouble means to start being in trouble. 处于例:Half the pleasure of an evening out is getting ready.晚上外出的乐趣一半在于出门前的准备。例:Perhaps I shouldn't say that - I might get into trouble.也许我不该说那些-我可能会遇到麻烦。
3. V-T
To get someone or something into a particular state or situation means to cause them to be in it. 使…处于例:I don't know if I can get it clean.我不知道我能否把它清理干净。例:Brian will get them out of trouble.布赖恩会使他们摆脱困境。
4. V-T
If you get someone to do something, you cause them to do it by asking, persuading, or telling them to do it. 使 (某人做某事)例:...a long campaign to get U.S. politicians to take the AIDS epidemic more seriously.…一项长期运动,旨在使美国政界人士更严肃地对待艾滋病流行。
5. V-T
If you get something done, you cause it to be done. 使…做好例:I might benefit from getting my teeth fixed.把牙齿补好可能对我有好处。
6. V-I
To get somewhere means to move there. 移动例:I got off the bed and opened the door.我下床并开了门。例:How can I get past her without her seeing me?我怎样才能从她旁边经过而不让她看见我呢?
7. V-I
When you get to a place, you arrive there. 到达例:Generally I get to work at 9:30 a.m.我通常上午9:30上班。
8. V-T
To get something or someone into a place or position means to cause them to move there. 使移动到例:Mack got his wallet out.麦克掏出了钱包。例:Go and get your coat on.去把你的外套穿上。
9. AUX
Get is often used in place of "be" as an auxiliary verb to form passives. 常用作助动词,替代be构成被动语态例:A pane of glass got broken.一块玻璃被打碎了。
10. V-T
If you getto do something, you eventually or gradually reach a stage at which you do it. 最终或逐步达到 (某个阶段)例:No one could figure out how he got to be so wealthy.没人能弄清楚他是怎样变得如此富有的。
11. V-T
If you getto do something, you manage to do it or have the opportunity to do it. 设法做; 有机会做例:How do these people get to be the bosses of major companies?这些人是怎么得以成为大公司的老总的?例:Do you get to see him often?你能经常见到他吗?
12. V-T
You can use get in expressions like get moving, get going, and get working when you want to tell people to begin moving, going, or working quickly. 迅速开始做例:I aim to be at the lake before dawn, so let's get moving.我打算天亮之前到湖边,所以我们马上就动身吧。
13. V-I
If you getto a particular stage in your life or in something you are doing, you reach that stage. 到达 (人生等的某一阶段)例:We haven't gotten to the stage of a full-scale military conflict.我们还没有到达全面军事冲突的阶段。例:It got to the point where I was so ill I was waiting to die.我已病入膏肓,到了等死的阶段。
14. V-T/V-I
You can use get to talk about the progress that you are making. For example, if you say that you aregetting somewhere, you mean that you are making progress, and if you say that something won't get you anywhere, you mean it will not help you to progress at all. 取得进展例:Radical factions say the talks are getting nowhere and they want to withdraw.激进派们说会谈没有什么进展,他们要退出。例:This bout of self-pity was getting me nowhere.这一阵自哀自怜对我不会有什么好处。
15. V-LINK
When itgetsto be a particular time, it is that time. If itis gettingtoward a particular time, it is approaching that time. 到/接近 (…时间)例:It got to be after 1 a.m. and I was exhausted.已到了凌晨一点多,我已筋疲力尽了。例:It was getting toward evening when we got back.我们回来时已将近傍晚。
16. V-I
If something that has continued for some time gets to you, it starts causing you to suffer. 使痛苦例:That's the first time I lost my cool in 20 years in this job. This whole thing's getting to me.那是我干这份工作20年来头一次失去冷静。这整件事让我痛苦不堪。