英文高人请进!!! - 10分!


第1个回答  2022-10-09
do you want it rude? or polite? POLITE i am afraid i have to terminate this interview. if you are clear that you need people with relevant experience
there is in fact no need for me to e. I assume you should have reviewed every detail of my resume
but regretfully I witnessed the opposite. it's a real regret that this interview has taken up so much of my time. i cannot see any professionali *** in the whole arrangement. gently RUDE up to this moment i have to stop. damn it did you guy even use your brain to check up everything in my resume? if you need guys with relevant experience
why did you waste my time in asking me to e? you know what everything is just a shit. check your brain you guys are in no way professional.
参考: myself
Don't memorize good things
learn the tricks.
不如我尽量将佢变得有礼貌啲咁讲啦,好无? I am afraid we have to end the interview here. I believe my resume has already listed very clearly about my working experience. If you go through it thoroughly and still are interested to see me again
I'll be more glad to e. 其实每一次嘅 interview 都系好珍贵嘅实际体验。不过有时亦难勉遇到啲好唔 professional 嘅 interviewer,佢哋叫你去 in- 只在哇苦你,我都试过。但系如果你话佢晒你时间呀セセ呀,咁变成你都唔 pro 罗。千奇咪中计。
Oh..I am sorry...I am afraid of wanting to stop this interview.If you want to find any one being experienced at this ect
why do you call me here still?Is it possible that you had not pored over my resume beforehand?Do you know you are making a waste of my valuable time?I don't think all you staffs are professional.
参考: myself
OK. I'm afraid that I have to wind up this interview. If you want to approach someone who has relevant experience
so why did you arrange such an interview for me?? Haven't you read my resume?? It's really time wasting
you know? I can find nothing professional in your pany. 大约系咁...口语英文grammar唔洗太正......
I am afraid that I want to stop this interview.If you want to find some experience people
why did you call me to e here to interview?You have not read clearly my resume
don't you?Do you know you are wasting my time?Your pany staff are not professional!
参考: myself