
内容:我们现在是高三的学生了 ,马上就要参加高考。同时,我们高中阶段的最后一个假期——寒假 也悄然逼近。相信这个假期的意义对于每个同学而言都是非同小可的。面临这种情况,你有何打算?你打算如何安排这个重要的假期?120-150词



第1个回答  2013-12-19
第一篇:We are now a senior 3 student, soon to take the college entrance examination. At the same time, we high school the last holiday -- winter is quietly approaching. Believe this holiday significance should be no trivial matter. for each students. Faced with this situation, what are you going to do? How are you going to arrange this important holiday?A第二篇:dulthood we immediately to the college entrance examination, enter the university to continue my studies. Rich and colorful life in the future will certainly out of the ordinary. Imagine their future university life.第三篇:Quality education has been practiced for a long time, the quality education to the students comprehensive and practical ability requirements are very high. Moreover, we are going to pass the college entrance examination into the University, into the wider and further study space, comprehensive and practical ability is a necessary skill. Winter vacation is coming, how do you plan to improve their comprehensive ability in practice?