英语作文 火星救援观后感


第1个回答  2016-02-03
Our science productivity is crucial.Test bed to prove the rover', are developing the ExoMars rover prototype and coordinating its technologies with other UK-based institutions, leading the EADS Astrium team; to explore the Martian surface and is key to the European Space Agency'The rover'. The Mars adventure continues with the launch of a robot vehicle by UK scientists;.The six-wheeled vehicle housing a myriad of scientific instruments and detectors is the Mars rover;s not waterproof so we need good weather to test it in.Maximizing productive science time The rover will land on Mars packed to capacity with scientific gadgets designed to be as light and as small as possible;When we put things in space we have to make sure that they', ', the extremes of heat and cold. Lester Waugh. Astrium, so it doesn' a Raman spectrometer providing rock analysesInterplanetary robot Mars fascinates scientists because of its similarity to Earth, suspension, and it fascinates the public because our myth of 'll survive the radiation environment, the team took the rover to El Teide National Park in Tenerife.'.'. The team is optimizing the performance of the wheels, an EADS company, but also the conditions need to be dry as any moisture affects the way the sand reacts under the wheels;autonomous robotic scientist't dig itself in on tricky terrain, the drive system, and malfunctions may affect that;Martians' is a vision of life beyond Earth;Solar panels will supply power and radioisotope heater units will help it withstand the extreme cold on Mars: a microseismometer searching for Marsquakes, nicknamed ', '. The more science we get back the better justification there is for spending more money on planetary exploration. These include; an advanced meteorological system analysing the Martian weather;Bridget's stamina Searching for a terrain similar to that found on Mars.The extended development time is essential for rigorous testing, explains, as Waugh explains;s part of project to build an ' a wide-angled panoramic camera which will be our eyes on Mars; even a mole to retrieve samples from beneath the surface;s 2011 ExoMars mission.Taking up to twenty minutes for radio signals to reach Earth demands a powerful navigation system to allow the rover to operate solo so they are also developing next generation computer software capabilities. It'本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2016-11-27
ears may wrinkl
第3个回答  2016-02-03
叮咚,叮咚,门铃响了,在医院工作的妈妈劳累一天回家了,我立刻把椅子拿来,关心的端一杯水给妈妈。让妈妈疲惫的身体放松一下。并关切的问:为什么现在患者这么多呀?妈妈说:“现在人们生活水平提高了,节奏快,当然希望病早点好呀!所以有一点小病都要吃药输液”。“是呀!药物注射进去病就好了,而且越贵的见效就越快。”我马上回答。妈妈摇摇头说:“其实这都是人们的误解。病情发展是有一定的发展周期,当身体在与疾病做斗争的过程中,身体的免疫力大大增强,只要注意休息一般都可以自愈的。也许时间会长些。但是人们为了尽快战胜细菌,就用抗生素来参战。虽说胜利了。岂不知细菌也是生命体,在抵抗抗生素的杀灭作用时,会产生耐药性。在不合理使用抗生素的情况下,抗生素频繁刺激细菌,使细菌迅速耐药,甚至任何一种耐药菌都有可能发展成为超级耐药菌。长此下去,抗生素越来越失效,很多感染性疾病将无药可治。 而且在使用抗生素时也杀掉了一些有益的菌群”。 我恍然大悟,怪不得我一生病妈妈都不给我挂盐水,我还以为妈妈舍不得给我挂盐水呢。妈妈还说:北京的一家知名医院曾经救治过一位年轻的患者,尽管医生竭尽全力为这位患者试用了多种类型的抗生素,都遏制不了病情的发展,即便药效最强的万古霉素抗生素,对这个患者也没有效果,患者最终死亡了。在死者家属的同意下,专家们对尸体进行了医学解剖研究,然而检查结果却出人意料!尸体解剖发现,他的体内存在着大量的耐药菌的感染,而且这些耐药菌对目前使用的这些抗生素是没效的!更令人意外的是,这种能耐多种抗生素的细菌竟然是死者自己买抗生素吃出来的。原来,死者每天都在单位食堂吃饭,由于顾虑单位食堂不干净,所以他每次吃完饭后都要吃两粒抗生素。天天吃,所以日积月累,最后就出了问题。 医学界流传着一句话:“美国枪支容易买得到,抗生素很难买得到,而中国恰好相反。”用这句话来形容抗生素的重要性和在中国的滥用程度再恰当不过了! 一句话,为了我们人类自身,我要大声呼吁,合理应用抗生素吧.!让大家从我做起,还原绿色的社会,绿色的环境,!让你我更