

第1个回答  2014-03-08
摘 要经过二十多年来的科学技术发展,国内大多数的粮库都已经实现了计算机粮情检测系统,并取得了一定的效益。但从具体的应用情况来看,或多或少的存在一些问题,例如:检测的对象比较简单、检测的自动化程度较底,没有建立一个完善的自动检测模型、检测数据的利用率不高,不能很好的提供决策模型、还有就是测控系统的关键硬件平台大多为独家生产,直接导致使用率低下,维护不便,升级不易。
总之,通过MCS—51控制系统基本完成了测温、上位机数据传送、虫害检测、报警时钟日历显示、打印输出、报警等功能,达到了对粮情巡回检测的目的。本系统使用起来效果良好,提高了工作效率,减轻了劳动人员的劳动强度。系统性能良好、稳定性强、数据准确,为科学保粮提供了可靠的温度数据信息。以此分析粮情,对有问题的粮堆及时采取科学手段进行处理,避免了损失。关键字:单片机、A/D转换、温度传感器、虫害检测The Application Basing on Single-Chip in Food Storage ElectronicsAbstract
Science technique that develop through more than 20 in the last years, the most food in food warehouse all have measure to control system, obtaining the certain performance. But there are many or little easy below the shortage of several aspects.
Firstly, it is to monitors the object usually compare the one, Secondly, there is an automation to monitors degree low, did not establish a perfect monitors automatically mathematics model. Thirdly, it is the utilization of the examination data not high, and so on.
This system adopts the AT89C51 proceeds in the control. Pass to deliver it to measure the conversing machine the temperature to the examination of the signal. Use the MAX7219 control manifestation electric circuit, can divide manifestation temperature, insect pest function, this text introduced the function, hardware, construction of that device and the design of its software flow charts.
Finally, pass the MCS_51 system controls are basic to complete[1] [2] [3] 下一页
本文来自: 一流设计吧(www.16sheji8.cn) 详细出处参考: http://www.16sheji8.cn/onews.asp?id=744