

第1个回答  2013-11-11
Many parents give children buy mobile phone is convenient contact with children, but the phone a lot of additional features, such as games, Internet, SMS, etc., are not necessarily suitable for middle school students, and parents can't advocate students use mobile phones. Student's task is to study, cell phone is not the necessary learning tools, completely unnecessary. Phone really brought great convenience to our life, but in bring wonderful appreciate the phone at the same time, we often unwittingly consuming too much energy, time, money, slowly found, have not talked with direct communication with family members, not a pen to write the letters more human. When you focus on green screen or blue screen with the mobile phone, maybe you are missing some of the better things in life, you are becoming more lonely pale. And experts say, the ears of teenagers and skull smaller and thinner than adults, therefore, when children use mobile phone, in the brain to absorb more radiation than adults to 50%. Made into cell phone radiation to the brain nerve damage, cause headaches, memory loss and sleep disorders. So for the sake of health, the teenagers should try to reduce the use of mobile phones, parents should also make children as far as possible away from the high-tech. More middle school students become a "hand", will not affect learning? Will not be in this group of students in this group do not have high consumption ability to form strong comparisons ethos? Should ringtone "cover" top? Hope that teachers, parents, students, experts, social parties to solve together. According to the survey, we'd better don't take mobile phones think high school students.