
不同点: 1、报纸上信息的保存和查阅不太方便。

共同点: 1、都关注最新时事新闻。

你的观点: …………

注意:词数120左右。短文须包括所有提示要点,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:引人注意striking ;方便的convenient

第1个回答  2008-10-04
Newspaper vs Internet

As a high school student . You should notice the world changed everday . So you ought to contact news . There are two ways which is Newspaper and Internet is discussed .

The difference : It is not convenient that storing and searching the newspaper which had been bought . On the other hand , Internet can storing and searching simply . Second ,If you are mean , you ought to read news on the Internet , which is free of charge . Beacuse most Newspapers own value . About the editor , Newspaper is better than Internet . Beacuse Internet is free .

The same : Both of them are noticing news and own attractive titles 、beautiful pictures . Also they are making money by advertisement .

In my opinion , no matter what way is better . Only are you reading news , you will be the successful !

第2个回答  2008-10-04
Recent decades have seen the rapid developement of Internet,and thereby Internet have wound its way into our daily life.With the quik and wide popularity of Internet,there has been a controvercy over the question of what is the different and commen point between Newspaper and Internet.

First,it is not convenient to save information and check it up for a Newspaper,but it is pretty convenient for Internet to save the information.Second, you should pay for your newspaper if you want to subscribe it,but it is free for you to skim on-line.Third, newspaper usually be compiled by the specialized person, but you can talk and write what you want freely on the Internet.
第3个回答  2008-10-04
As two most important means for getting information, newspaper and internet have many things in common:
Firstly, both of them pay lots of attention to the latest news. People can learn what is going on in the world by reading the news.
Secondly, all the news has striking headlines and is illustrated with colorful pictures, which can attracts the attention from the readers.
Thirdly, both of them publish advertisements to gain profits.
However, they also have many differences:
First, the information on the newspaper is not as easy to conserve and convenient to consult as the internet, because the information on internet can be kept or consulted by computer.
Second, if you want to read newspaper, you have to buy it first. But on internet, almost all the news is free.
Third, the information on newspaper is more reliable than that on the internet, since all the information on the newspaper is provided by professional reporters, while anyone can write something on internet which greatly restricts the correctness of what is written.

A piece of newspaper in hand, one could be in formed of what was happening around the world even without having to get out of his armchair. Nowadays, however, the role of newspaper is being seriously challenged by the booming IT industry or world wide web, satellites, optic-cables, to name just a few. As a matter of fact, In today's world where nearly every thing starts with an "e", newspaper will be replaced by other computer based means.
First of all, newspaper can never match internet in its speed. Actually, information of any kind can be transported digitally at up to 300,000,000 meters per second. In a world of efficiency, newspaper can be defeated for this reason solely.
Besides, with internet, information can be transmitted 3 dimentional, which consists of sound, live show and even interaction. Whereas in the paper, only words and photographs could be presented in news stories. Therefore, the former has been made more vivid and descriptive.
Last but not least, computerizing the process of information dissemination provides us with a more objective and state-of-the art point of view. Through internet, we can obtain every detail we might want to know, which was sometimes unrevealed by newspapers for this or that reason. Obviously, the more accurate the facts are, the more easily an objective opinion can be formed.
In conclusion, though newspaper is still regarded as indispensable for our daily routines,it cannot match internet in many aspects.本回答被提问者采纳