

第1个回答  2024-05-28
Obesity, in English, can be expressed in various ways: 1. Fat, indicating a person who is overweight. 2. Corpulent, describing someone who is obese. 3. Plump, suggesting a healthy roundness. 4. Chubby, which implies a rosy, full figure. 5. Lumpy, referring to a body type with less defined muscles. 6. Big-boned, used for individuals who appear larger due to their skeletal structure. 7. Bulky, describing a large, often heavy build. 8. Chunky, suggesting a stocky, solid appearance. 9. Tubby, which is often used for a person who appears rotund. 10. Dumpy, referring to a stocky build with a shorter stature. 11. Heavy-set, indicating a person who has a stocky, solid build. 12. Stout, which can describe a robust, short person with a sturdy build. 13. Obese, indicating a state of excessive body fat. 14. Overweight, generally used to describe someone who weighs more than the recommended healthy range for their height.