
people who get to know the limit,i think,must have experienced what it is to overdo a thing.the limit can be found after one has gone to extremes.if you haven’t had such experience,if you have never made mistakes,never cherished ideas of rebellion,you will never find it.if you behave too well,neither overdo anything nor make any mistakes,you will naturally fall to find what’s most suitable to you.
The offspring of American-chinese follow the same course of life almost without exception.when they go to middle school they resent the Chinese way of education their parents have given them and look down upon their peers with the same Chinese background.during this period their parents are most nervous,quite at a loss,and then examine themselves of their failure in educating their children.

第1个回答  2012-06-11
美籍华人的后代们几乎无一例外的重复着(他们父辈)同样的生活轨迹。当步入中学时他们对于父母给予他们的中国式教育方法开始感到愤慨,并且鄙视那些与他们有过一样中国教育背景的同龄人。在此期间,他们的父母大多十分紧张,甚至会很失落,因为这证明了他们对子女的教育很失败。 PS:为了使文章更具可读性,私自加了一点内容,但不会影响原文的意思。有任何不妥之处,敬请不吝指出,谢谢。本回答被提问者采纳