
1. What changes do you expect to happen in future? If you could travel by a time machine, which part of time in history would you like to go back to? Why?

2. Do you like traveling? Which place would you like to go? Why? What advice would you give to someone who is taking a vacation?

3. What’s the most interesting holiday or festival in your hometown? When is it? How do people celebrate it? Do you eat any special food? What do you like most about it? What else do people do?

4. How to prepare for a job interview? How to be successful in a job interview?

5.What food shall we eat to make our diet a healthy one? Can you cook a typical Chinese dish? What dish can you cook? How to cook it?

第1个回答  2012-06-05
这些题目很有自己发挥的余地,我觉得作为学生 你应该自己动脑筋 这正是锻炼你的好机会啊
第2个回答  2012-06-03
1. The real life. Tang dynasty, and very prosperity, also very open .
2.Like. I want to go to yunnan Dali. Where the natural scenery is very beautiful. Holiday will relax yourself.
3.The Spring Festival. The lunar January 1. The family together, round and round round, eat dumplings, candy, etc., and Spring Festival couplet set off firecrackers, and have a lot of customs. I most like to eat the dumpling mother bag, grandpa's grandmother back to my New Year's money.
4.Your attitude to adjust, this is very important, with the best self to interview. All things to actively and do it, there is responsibility ah, etc, etc
5.Healthy, green, no pollution pollution-free. Will, fish, pork, general supermarkets or some market will have to buy that fish production material for pork, so, you just need to prepare some main raw material!追问

