
1 三年后,Jack 被提升为总经理助理

2 公司提拔Jack为公司副总经理,并派往美国工作

3 公司提拔她为财务总监,并安排她到上海出差。

4 仓库门口,禁止停放车辆

5 这套衣服非常适合你,尤其是裙子。

6 一个月1000多元的工资,根本就不够他花的。所以他想找一个兼职的工作。

7 他要去法院起诉那个女孩 英语翻译

第1个回答  2012-10-15
1.Three years later, Jack was promoted as the assistant of the chief manager.
2.The company promoted Jack as the vice-general manager and sent him to the United States to work.
3.The company promoted her as the Chief Financial Officer and arranged her to ShangHai for business.
4.No parking is allowed in front of the storage.
5.This suit is very suitable for you, especially the skirt.
6.1000 RMB a month is not enough for his expense. So he wants to find a part-time job.

好久木有做翻译了。。。不过八九不离十。。。。 希望能帮到你~
第2个回答  2012-10-15
1 Three years later, Jack was appointed to the position of assistant to the general manager.
2 The company appointed Jack to the position of vice general manager and sent him to work in the USA.
3 The company promoted her as the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) and sent her on business in Shanghai.
4 No vihicles may be parked outside the storehouse.
5 This suit of clothes goes well with you , especially the skirt.
6 A salary of a little more than 1000 yuan a month isn't enough for him, so he wants to find a side job.
7 He will go and bring a suit / an action against the girl .本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第3个回答  2012-10-15
1. Three years later, Jack was promoted to the position of Gerneral Manager Assistant.

2. Jack was promoted to the position of vice-general manager and sent to work in the US.

3. The company promoted her to be the CFO and arranged a business trip to Shanghai for her.

4. No parking in front of the warehouse entrance.

5. The suit suits you very well, especially the skirt.

6. His salary, which is just over 1000 yuan per month, is not enough for him at all. Therefore, he wants to find a part time job.
第4个回答  2012-10-15
1. After three years ,he was promomted to the assistant to the general manager.
2.Jack was promomted to Deputy General Manager and he was sent to America to work.
3.She was promoted to Finance Director and she was sent to shanghai to the business travel.
4.Don't stop the car in the door of wearhouse,please.
5.This set of close is very suit for you ,especially the skirt.
6.He want to find a part-time job ,because his salary is 1000 RMB and that isn't enough to him.
7.He is going to court to prosecute that girl .
第5个回答  2012-10-15
1. Jack was promoted to GM assisant three years later.
2. The company assigned Jack to work in the US as the vice GM.
3. She was promoted as the chief financial director of the company and sent to Shanghai for business trip.
4. Parking is prohibited outside the warehouse.
5. The suit fits you very well, the skirt in particular.
6. 1000 RMB per month cannot afford his expenditure. He thus wants to find a part-time job.
7. He is going to accuse the girl .