

第1个回答  2022-10-10
Life, old age, sickness and death have been reused for decades, giving up too much reluctance, adhering to too many should not, chasing vague ideals, keeping promises others don't care about, the stumbling and stumbling of life let us gradually from childhood to maturity, from ignorance to deep understanding. There are too many regrets, too many reluctances, too many...
I'll go through all my sadness. The saddest thing is that you're not at the end. I'll go through all the despair. The most desperate thing is that you're still at the beginning.
Do not cry out pain, not necessarily feel, is too deep pain, drowned all the echoes.
Love needs courage, friendship needs righteousness, family needs kindness, and work needs strength.
The sound of the cello is like a river, the left bank is my unforgettable memory, the right bank is my glorious years worth holding tightly, and the flow in the middle is my tender sentiment every year!
When you really love something, you will find how fragile and powerless language is.
Always shallow, but deep feelings. The moment you turn around, the most painful thing in my depressed life is not life, old age, sickness and death, but the journey of life is short, but full of eternal loneliness. The most painful thing in the world is not the eternal loneliness, but the sight of warmth and vitality, but I can do nothing. The most painful thing in the world is not that I can't help it, but that when everything is within reach, I don't want to reach out. How to Be Silent?
You can't afford to wear Chanel or you don't have many clothes to choose from, but please never forget one of the most important clothes, which is called yourself.
Life can't be used to prove love, just as we can't prove that we can no longer believe in love. In this city, just as Rolex is a material luxury, love is a spiritual luxury. But life is so fragile that it can't afford so much luxury.
I stand at the window and look at the world through it. A cold wind, a sudden palpitation, unconscious silence of the heart. I remember that night when I was walking on the path, walking on the Yellow leaves. It's already dark. Except for street lights, there's only a cold evening wind. In this way, I wandered through the night, looking ahead, but could not see the end.
Some of the mistakes that have been made are due to late arrival, some to deliberate avoidance, and more often to stand aside in a daze. We are so wrong again and again, but we never know how to draw lessons from it and do some introspection.
No matter when, I'll be within your reach.
.一定会有那么一天,我年轻的容颜不复存在,也不再有通宵熬夜的 *** ,不再有充沛的体力,迟暮的一天天里,越来越听不懂年轻人的话题,尴尬地陪笑,努力想加入他们。经常吃药,生病住院,看书吃力,视力模糊,头发稀少而尴尬,渐沉默,不再去电影院或。这世界多精彩,又残酷,我很留恋它。
There will be a day when my youthful face will no longer exist, I will no longer have the passion of staying up all night, I will no longer have enough physical strength. In the twilight of the day, I will be unable to understand the topic of the young people more and more, laugh embarrassingly, and try to join them. Often take medicine, get sick in hospital, read hard, blurred vision, scarce and embarrassing hair, gradually silent, no longer go to the cinema or. The world is so wonderful and cruel that I miss it very much.
There is no trace of wings in the sky, but the birds have flown; the heart has not been cut by a knife, but the pain is so clear. The softest parts of the chest, the wounds hurt by loved ones, are much sharper than those hurt by limbs, and only time can heal them.
People who have been injured are afraid that their hearts will become cold and hard, and then they will be moved, unconscious and passionate about their surroundings. No matter how strong I become, you will still be my weakness. Emotion is like this, you hurt others, whether intentionally or unintentionally, there will always be someone to hurt you.
