went to have been区别


第1个回答  2021-09-27
have been to 指去过某处.
went to 指去某处.强调动作
Have you been to China?
He went to China last month.
went属於过去式(past tense),代表(从话者的时间来说)过去发生的事。Have been是现在完成式(present perfect tense),英文现在完成式的意思之一是「经验」,表现话者经历过某种事。

例如,I went to Canada代表「我以前去(了)加拿大」,而I have been to Canada代表「我去过加拿大」。
"Went to" -> often used with established time/ location/ action. When someone says they "went" somewhere usually the time, location, action have been established (mostly used to talk about more recent past events). Examples:

- "I went to the beach last summer"
- "Where were you?" "I went to the bathroom"
- "That night I went to bed early"
- "I went to that restaurant once. It's pretty good."

**Note: The verb 'go' has two different past participles - "gone" and "been"

"Have gone to" -> UNCOMMON (doesn't sound natural, formal) usually used when talking about further past (no earlier than yesterday). Usually establishes the person is not here or has been going somewhere for a while. Examples:

- "I've gone to the same doctor all my life"
- "I've gone to this park ever since it was built"
- "She's gone off to college (most would say": "She went off to college")

(Sorry can't come up with many examples since it doesn't sound natural. Majority usually say "have been going to" instead; "I have been going to the same doctor all my life")

"Have been to" -> often used in questions or stating where one has been (usually when asked) and establishes 'round trip' (the person left and came back). Talks about places you've gone in the past (usually when you've been multiple times or once but did a lot there). Examples:

- "I've been to France numerous times (meaning multiple)"
- "I've been to 3 different stores and still can't find dish soap"
- "I haven't been to sleep since the accident"
- "They have been to the same water park for the 5th summer in a row"