
In view of shipment of the goods the following remarks were made on the Mate’s Receipt(see attached sheet)
We hereby request you not to insert such remarks on the bill of lading.
Inconsideration of your complying with our above request,we hereby agree as follows:

1. To indemnity you ,your servants and agents and to hold all of you hamless in respect of any liability, loss or damage of what soever nature which you may sustain by reason of no inserting any remarks on the Bills of lading in accordance with our request.

2. In the event of any proceedings being commenced against you or any of your servants or agents in connection with the issurance of clean Bill of Lading as aforesaid to provide you or them from time to time with sufficient funds to defend the same.

3. If the vessel or any other vessel or property belonging to you should be arrested or detained or if the arrested or detention thereof should be threatened , to provide such bail or other security as may be required to prevent such arrest or detention or to secure the release of such vessel or property and to indemnity you in respect of any loss , damage or expenses caused by such arrest or detention whether or not the same may be justified.

4. The liability of each and every person under this indemnity shall be joint or several and shall not be conditional upon your proceeding first against any person, whether or not such person is party to or liable under this indemnity.

5. This indemnity shall be construed in accordance with english law and each and every person liable under this indemnity shall at your request submit to the jurisdlction of the High Court of Justice of England.
Yours faithfully
For and on behalf of

第1个回答  2009-05-07


1 。为了补偿你,你的雇员和代理人,并追究所有你hamless方面的任何责任,损失或损害soever什么性质,你们也许会维持因没有插入任何意见提单按照我们的要求。

2 。如果在任何诉讼程序正在开始对您或您的任何受雇人或代理人与issurance清洁提单上述向您提供或他们不时以足够的资金来捍卫相同。

3 。如果船只或任何其他船只或财产属于你应该逮捕或拘留或者逮捕或拘留的人应该受到威胁,来提供这种保释金或其他担保可能需要防止这种逮捕或拘留,或争取释放这种船只或财产,并赔偿您的任何损失,损害或费用所造成的被逮捕或拘留等是否相同也许是合理的。

4 。赔偿责任的每个人根据本补偿应联合或几个,不得取决于你的程序的第一个针对任何人,不论这些人是一方或可根据本偿。

5 。这种补偿应按照英国法律和每个责任人应根据本偿您的要求,向jurisdlction高级国际法院英格兰。
