

第1个回答  2022-07-21


  1 farmer _______ 2 postman______ 3 grade_______

  4 cucumber_______5 green pepper_______

  6 windy _______ 7 T-shirt_______ 8 snowy _______

  9 cap _______10 raincoat_______ 11 small _______

  12 strong_______


  1. This is my _________(爸爸). He’s a _______(老师).

  2.________(哪一个) class are you in ?

  3. It`s an_______(茄子)

  4. It`s _________(阴天的.)today.

  _____ ______ (戴上)your hat.

  5. Look at the _________(猴子).

  It has a ______ ______ (长尾巴)

  三、 选词填空。(每空2`)

  1. She is from ___________(Chinese/ China).

  2. Let`s __________(play/ to play) basketball.

  3. Thirteen and seven is _________(twelve/ twenty).

  4. I like _______(that / those) shorts.

  5. A rabbit has a _________(short/tall) tail.

  四、 单项选择。(每空2`)

  ( )1. It`s _______today.

  A. wind B. sun C.snowy

  ( ) 2. I like ________.

  A. potato B. potatos C.potatoes

  ( ) 3. What`s this ________English?

  A. in B. on C. of

  ( ) 4. Let`s go and ________ Miss Liu.

  A. look B. watch C. see

  ( ) 5. An elephant has a ________ nose.

  A. thin B. tall C. long

  ( ) 6. My mother is a ________ .

  A. nurse B. farm C. policeman


  1. is / my / new / friend / this / .


  2. are / where / from / you / ?


  3.warm / it / today / is / .


  4.has / ears / long / it / .


  5.number / twelve / am/ I / .



  ( )1. How’s the weather today ?

  ( ) 2. Where`s my T-shirt?

  ( ) 3. Let`s go shopping.

  ( ) 4. What`s in the box ?

  ( ) 5. Can I help you?

  ( ) 6. What does your sister do ?

  A. She`s a driver. B. It`s fine today.

  C. It`s a sweater. D. Good idea !

  E. Over there. F. Show me that green cap, please.