
分别以下类情景创建对话。老师要求和搭档对话3-5分钟。 英语达人,thank you。

Situation 1

A and B are talking about their favorite jobs. A would like to be an international correspondent since it is a glamorous job. But B prefers to be a web-based movie critic, which can make him/her like a soho. They finally wish each other have their dreams come true.

Situation 2

A worries about his/her term paper and a test and mentions ways of cheating (such as asking B to write a term paper for him/her, downloading articles from the internet, preparing a cheat-sheet). B promises to help but warns against any forms of cheating, and finally A promises to study hard.

Situation 3

A and B are talking about entertainment news? They have different ideas on some points, such as news sources, being trustworthy or not, influence, etc..

Situation 4

Before A goes to an interview, B advises A to pay attention to his/her appearance (hair and dress) and manner (polite but firm). B also advises A to tell about his/her work experience in a law firm and his/her character (logical reasoning and honesty), to ask about the job requirements, and to learn the usual salary for a new hand before answering the interviewer’s question about the salary he/she expects.

Situation 5

A and B are looking for a place to live together as roommates. They are discussing some important points to consider, such as rent, traffic, shopping, convenience, safety, etc..

Situation 6

A young couple are discussing whose parents they shall have dinner with on the Eve of the Spring Festival --- an occasion for family reunions. The wife wants to be with her parents because one of them is sick, while the husband objects that they already had the dinner with her parents last year. Finally they decide to invite both parents to a restaurant near them and visit them on the Spring Festival Day.

高分啊,只要符合要求,贴的也没问题 。自己写的最好!!!
满意追加 高分!!!

第1个回答  2009-05-28
Situation 3
A: Did you hear the news about Britney Spears?
B: No, what's she done now?
A: She was caught on camera taking drugs!
B: What?! Are you serious? Have you seen the video?
A: Serious! But no, I haven't seen the video, it hasn't been released.
B: Haha, I see. Mate, I doubt it's true, probably just some hype off the internet right?
A: Well yeah, it's all over the net right now.
B: You can't trust the internet so much. One, people make up stuff just to get people on their sites and two, if no one has even seen the video, how do you know if it even exists?
A: We'll see. I reckon it's only a matter of time before the footage is released. When I get it, I'll let you know.
B: Don't hold your breath! Haha. Even if 'the video' is released, it'll probably be just another hoax. Bet you the quality will be poor and her face will either not be shown or will be blurred and unclear.
A: OK, OK, I got your point. Let's just wait and see.

change the character in the sentence.
第2个回答  2009-05-25
Situation 3
A: Did you hear the news about Britney Spears?
B: No, what's she done now?
A: She was caught on camera taking drugs!
B: What?! Are you serious? Have you seen the video?
A: Serious! But no, I haven't seen the video, it hasn't been released.
B: Haha, I see. Mate, I doubt it's true, probably just some hype off the internet right?
A: Well yeah, it's all over the net right now.
B: You can't trust the internet so much. One, people make up stuff just to get people on their sites and two, if no one has even seen the video, how do you know if it even exists?
A: We'll see. I reckon it's only a matter of time before the footage is released. When I get it, I'll let you know.
B: Don't hold your breath! Haha. Even if 'the video' is released, it'll probably be just another hoax. Bet you the quality will be poor and her face will either not be shown or will be blurred and unclear.
A: OK, OK, I got your point. Let's just wait and see.本回答被提问者采纳