

第1个回答  2022-12-24

面临挑战用英语说是:Facing Challenge。

1.Those That Confront Us Now Are As Momentous As Any In The Past.现在我们所面临的挑战与过去的挑战同样严重。

2.On Challenges In Building Harmonious Sea And Its Strategic Choice;建设和谐海洋面临的挑战及战略选择。

3.The Challenges And Counter - Measures Faced By The Strategic Management Of The Institutions Of Higher Learning In China;我国高校战略管理面临的挑战与对策。

4.Obama's New "Afpak" Strategy And The Challenges It Faces奥巴马“阿富巴”新战略及其面临的挑战。

5.Origins And Current Challenges Of Legally Prescribed Punishment;从罪刑法定的缘起到现在面临的挑战。

6.An Analysis Of Abe S "Assertive Diplomacy" And The Test On It;试析安倍“有主见的外交”及面临的挑战。

7.The Challenge The Authority Of The Party Faces In The New Period And Its Countermeasures;新时期党的权威面临的挑战及其应对。

8.The Challenges Facing The Development Of APEC And The Choice Of China;APEC发展面临的挑战及中国的选择。