

第1个回答  2023-10-14



1. the right arm 右臂;得力的助手

2. Justice has long arms. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏

3. an arm of the sea 海湾,河口

4. the arm of the government 政府的分支机构

5. the strong arm of the law 法律的威力

6. the arm of a record player 唱机的唱头臂

7. lose one's arm 【棒球】失去投球能力

8. arm in arm 臂挽着臂

9. by the strong arm 强制地

10. chance one's arm 〔英口〕冒险一试

11. child in arms 怀抱中的婴儿

12. cost (sb.) an arm and a leg 〔俚语〕使付出一大笔钱

13. give one's arm 伸手臂给(同行女人挽);〔比喻〕提携

14. in the arms of Morpheus 进入梦乡

15. keep (sb.) at arm's length 疏远,不使接近

16. make a long arm 伸臂(攫取)

17. offer one's arm = give one's arm. put the arm on sb. 向某人讨钱;抢劫某人

18. take (sb.'s) arms 拉伸出之臂

19. take (a child) in one's arms 抱(孩子)

20. talk sb.'s arm off 〔俚语〕对某人唠叨个没完

21. the arm of flesh 人力,人的努力

22. twist sb.'s arm 倒扭某人手臂;向某人施加压力

23. throw one's arms around another's neck 搂住脖子

24. under the arm 挟在腋下

25. with folded arms 两臂交叉于胸前 (look on with folded arms 袖手旁观)

26. within arm's reach 在左右,近在咫尺

27. with open arms 伸开双手,真心诚意地(欢迎)

28. would give one's right arm for 〔口语〕愿意为…付出巨大代价

29. in each other's arms:They fell asleep in each other's arms (= holding each other) . 他们互相搂抱着睡着了。

30. the research arm of the company 公司的科研部门

