求翻译中文到 英语

在网上拍下件东西 没有注意到卖家付款方式里没有paypal 但是我只能用paypal付款 所以请各位朋友帮忙 给我翻译段话 和卖家联系一下 内容是:“您好 我在参加拍卖时没有注意到付款方式,我目前没有德国的银行卡不能转账,现在只能用paypal付款 您可以用paypal给我一个付款账单吗 ?非常抱歉“谢谢大家了 不要用软件翻译啊 谢谢啦

第1个回答  2015-11-16
hello there, I didn't notice the pay way when I participated in the auction, now i dont have any bank account in German so i can only pay you via paypal. Could you sent me a bill(??付款账单是什么?) via paypal so that I can pay you?(不会用paypal 不了解背景 硬翻的)
第2个回答  2015-11-16
Hello! I am sorry that I missed the payment terms during the auction, I cannot transfer the money to you because I have not any German bank card. Now I can only pay you in Paypal. Can you send me another bill with Paypal please? Sorry again and wish you good luck.本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2015-11-16

翻译这段话:您好: 我在参加拍卖时没有注意到付款方式,我目前没有德国的银行卡不能转账,现在只能用paypal付款 您可以用paypal给我一个付款账单吗 ?非常抱歉


Hello. When I participated in the auction and not to regard the payment, so far, German banks are I am now getting the card to pay the transfer of funds, there's only now can Refund one paypal paypal the bill please
