do anything interesting翻译


第1个回答  2023-09-10

do anything interesting翻译:做任何有趣的事


1、There's so much more interesting information hidden in these IRC logs.那些IRC日志里藏匿了那么多好玩的东东。

2、We can say this; we live in interesting times and you better hunker down and get out of the way.我们可以这样说,我们生活在一个有趣的时代,你更好的亨克下来,走出一条出路。

3、the most interesting book I have ever read我所读过的最有趣的书

4、Jeffrey has a way of weaving dull material(up)into an interesting article.杰弗里有办法将枯燥的素材写成有趣的文章。

5、Boredom has, paradoxically, become quite interesting to academics lately.矛盾的是,最近学者们对无聊变得相当感兴趣。

6、It's not the most interesting of the chateaux at all.这还不是城堡里最有趣的事。

7、I can manage it, and I can find interesting things in the practice session.我能应付它,还能在练习中发现有趣的东西。

8、The book must be interesting because its name was cropping up everywhere.这本书一定很有趣,因为到处都在提到它的名字。