
公司新年晚会马上要开始了,英语主持应该做当啊?英语主持词,中间节目的连接词,有关抽奖的外语词语,还有晚会结束的落幕词都有哪些啊? 请帮忙,谢谢大家!!

第1个回答  2014-05-28
如果有人外国人,那更加应该为我们中国人争口气! 新年晚会的主持很容易 开始可以说: Good evening, Ladies&gents, it's my great honor to be tonight's hostess, thank you very much for your attendance... 如果有拍档的话,那是最好的,相互寒暄一下把气氛搞活跃了。然后开始报幕。 We have plenty of excellent performances today, I can't wait to see it, xxx, do you know which is the first performance we are gonna have? xxx: let's take a deep breath and put your hands together to welcome our lovely singer xxx ! xxx: Welcome... 这样就可以开始第一个节目了。 在主持之前最好对每个节目熟悉一下,用猜迷,互动的形式将整台晚会连接起来,会更有意义。 抽奖的英文:let's start tonight's most exciting section: Lucky draw, let's see who is going to be the biggest winner tonight. 落幕的话可以这样: Best time always runs so fast, /time flies like an arrow, I believe all of you have had your eyes feasted, haven't you? hope our host has brought you luck and prosper in the year of pig, wish everyone happy new year.... 等等,这些都是可以运用的。 OKWAP Online Service Joy Wang 欢迎访问我的博客,大家一起学英语!