哪位高手知道reporting verb是什么意思?最好能够举例说明。谢谢


第1个回答  2012-11-11
Reporting verbs
Verbs that describe or report an activity or action that has already taken place are associated with specific prepositions or are used with the relative pronoun that. They are always used in a past form. The structure follows the pattern:

subject + reporting verb + preposition/relative pronoun + noun phrase.
The guy’s ex-wife has accused him of assault.
He clearly objectedto those comments.
The judge warned him against any further outbursts.
He was demanding that she apologize.

Reporting verbs such as claim, warn, demand, allege, accuse, deny, swear, confirm and testify, can be followed by that:
The guy’s ex-wife said that he assaulted her.
He said that he did not like those comments.
The judge told him that he should not have any further outbursts.
He said that she should apologize.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2009-12-04
报告动词 ,引出间接引语的动词
第3个回答  2012-05-19
point out state believe suggest show