

第1个回答  2017-09-13
The Queen is a masterful piece of cinema. The performances are true examples of character work, with Helen Mirren and Micheal Sheen transforming themselves into Queen Elizabeth and Tony Blair. As I watched the film, I forgot I was watching the same actress who played Jane Tennison and Morgan Le Faye, and felt like I was watching the actual Queen. I have always enjoyed Mirren's work, but she really produced a masterpiece here.
The film really captures the events of the time, but gives them a new, human perspective. at the time, as an American, I felt the whole thing was a rather gross spectacle; but, you get a different perspective here. Director Frears skillfully blends archival footage with filmed scenes, allowing you to see behind the news footage. You come to understand the Queen and prince Charles' perspectives more. It's also amazing to watch Sheen as Blair. He is elected as a modernizer, someone who would seem to want to do away with the anachronism of the monarchy; yet he seems to fall under the spell after he meets the Queen, one-on-one. He comes to understand her perspective, the role she plays, and the events that shaped her life and character.
At times, I watched the film and again wondered why the British put up with this institution and the insanity that seems to surround it; but then I realize that Americans do the same thing, with politicians, celebrities and sports figures. They cease to be people to us and become icons. The monarch represents the living history of Britain. It's a fascinating idea that the film captures well.
The film is one of the best I have seen in some years and Mirren has won every accolade. Mirren pulls off a true piece of character acting; she literally becomes the Queen. Michael Sheen deserved an equal nomination for his portrayal of Blair, but was snubbed. The rest of the cast acquit themselves with considerable skill, as well; with Helen McCrory getting some of the best lines and scenes, as Cherie Blair.
The film has many fine moments and draws real emotion from the audience. For me, the most moving scene is when the Royal Family are outside Buckingham Palace, viewing the the mound of flowers and cards. Mirren's reactions give you a sense of how Queen Elizabeth must have truly felt. The moment that she asks the little girl if she wants her to place her flowers with the others, and the girl says "..no, these are for you," brought tears to my eyes. Mirren is so visibly touched by such a small but honest expression. it is not manipulated, but emerges from truth, the best form of drama.
This is a film and a performance that is worth seeing and studying, particularly for an aspiring actor.