

第1个回答  2022-06-30

1. 郭敬明小时代中的英文语录加翻译

1.顾里摆出那张计算机的脸,标志的微笑着:“Hi , Mia !” 而对面的Neil,冷冷地说:“Get out !” (滚出去) Mia一点也没有生气,微笑着说:“I just wanna say happy birthday to Lily. Sure I'll get out after that .” (我只是想对Lily说生日快乐,当然说完我就滚出去) Neil放下刀叉,用餐巾擦了擦嘴:“I don't wanna be rude ,but will you !please !fuck off !right now !” 【我不想没有礼貌,但是请你闭上你的狗嘴!(类似的)】 顾里吧餐巾朝Neil扔过去,她的脸涨得通红:“Don't be sush an asshole !” 【你不要这么混蛋】 Neil没有回答,压抑着自己的怒气。

不过Mia迅速的为大家解围:“He is not an asshole . He is just like it.” 【他不是一个混蛋,他就是那个样子】 那一瞬间,整个房间鸦雀无声。除了唐宛如,我们所有的人都几乎听懂了这句暗示。


对于这样的场景,显然Mia早就料到了。所以他理所当然的“惊讶”的说:“Oh my god .Neil, you haven't told Lily that you are gay, do you ?” 【天哪! Neil,你没有告诉Lily 你是同性恋,是吗?】 在看见Neil和顾里苍白的脸色之后,Mia 心满意足地说:“I'd better go now .”【我最好现在就走】说完他转身拉开门出去了,留下一屋子死气沉沉的人。

“Why you let me know this from Mia but not you? Why you don't tell me!”【为什么让我从Mia那里知道而不是你?为什么你不直接告诉我】顾里显然被刺激到了,她的胸口剧烈的起伏着。 Neil朝椅子后背一靠,冷笑着:“When? Where? At your party, in front of all the people? Yes, that is really not weired at all!” 【什么时候?哪里?要我在你的聚会上?在所有人的面前吗?恩,那一点都不奇怪吗!(这里意思是反话)】 我和南湘都不敢说话。


我刚想说点什么来转换这个尴尬的气氛,Neil接着说:“You wanna know more ?Ok, I really want to share my life with you that I am……” 【你想知道更多吗?好.我真的很想和你分享我的人生,但是。】 “Shut up!”(闭嘴!) 我冲Neil大声的吼了一句,“你放过你姐姐吧!”我几乎可以肯定Neil等下脱口而出的就是“I am seeing your ex-boyfriend”【我看上你的前男友。】

2.I think you have got eyerything that you want.Not yet 我想你已经得到了你想要的一切。还没。

Oh,please save the poison for yourself ,pretty witch ! …… Say hello to your mirror for me.噢,请为了你自己留下毒药吧,漂亮的女巫!对着你的镜子说你好,为了我。Sure , my Snow White !You're so queenly , aren't you?当然,我的白雪公主!你多么像女王啊,不是吗?3.I am not happy anymore 我不再快乐了4.I WILL ALWAYS MISS YOU LIKE A DARLIN 我会想你,像宝贝的一样。

2. 小时代英语简介一两句话左右

Tiny Times is a 2013 Chinese romance drama film written and directed by Guo Jingming and based on the best-selling novel of the same name also by Guo.The film received mostly negative reviews from Chinese film critics, although it was a commercial success.小时代是2013年中国浪漫戏剧电影,编剧和导演都是郭敬明,根据郭的同名畅销小说改编。


3. 小时代3英文版好词好句

1, once the four of us together, seems to be overturned in Shanghai, Nanjing Road to ruin, but at the moment we are apart, would have to be played back to prototype into the ordinary but again the passers-by. Like every once shook the singing group the situation. After the dissolution of the solo, it was quickly forgotten.2, if the darkness can be a night market. So now, you will see the face of anger and humiliation of tissue culture, the teeth in the darkness.3, the time of the gear never stops turning, it uses one of the most ruthless and rational way, so that each life can be parallel.4, I now calm, I now calmly, I am now in fact I have been in smooth water, are out and out.5. People live in the small hill, slip rolling down will only trees scratches, or broken ankles swell, but they will live, will go up, will go to climb is not afraid of death on a small hill. But people living in the clouds, the fall, only to die. No people will give them again once the opportunity.6, some passers-by down the street white daisies, crushing the petals blowing autumn, a shop.7, this is a at the speed of light and the development of the city. The rotation of the material and the vigor, the city into the intricacies of the underground maze. This is a dagger sharp cold era. In the heart of the people dug a hole, and then buried in the ticking bomb. Wealth two rapid differentiation, living to the soul of man torn in half.8, the day you left, I decided not to tears, against the wind and not to blink of an eye.9, there can be no time boil too, even not light, even the psyche will not work, only it is the final winner, when the universe was empty, only time stay, it swells fill everything.10, to leave, please, never to come back.11, sometimes, love is also kind of hurt. Cruel people, choose to hurt other people, good people, choose to hurt themselves.12, I now secure, I now calmly, I am calm, in fact, I have thoroughly finished. I've put yourself into the a slut, I don't want to put yourself into a bitch.13, the huge and sophisticated human ah, every day people leave hot tears and boiling blood, but thousands of human blood, sweat and tears, as well as change not the ancient cold, aren't you?14, this is the best of times, but also the worst of times. You will forget the times, but you will always remember us.15, but life is never drama. It won't be a romantic and sensational music sounded; it will not again actor affectionately confession, let the heroine strong response; it will not again so need gentle and sweet moment, they knocked over a cup of thick honey.16, more distant clouds to bright intense, psychedelic light the whole street shone red, as if God put a huge bucket of red dye overturned on the street. The side of the road there is some passersby down the white daisies, crushing the petals are autumn wind blowing, laying the ground.Playback stability of less than the 17, I was actually an inferiority complex and jealous woman. I and Gu, Nan Xiang, Tang like the combination, on the surface, I was in a high to low is the position I in the economic conditions, family status, far from being lost to attend to; I in appearance, stature, but also by the southern Hunan thrown out of the Arabian street. But I also have Tang like bottom, can let me than there is room to live in the dense airless world in complacency. But later, I keep in mind our past, I gradually realized that, in fact, in my heart, I never did not think of them than I am.18, white four flowing, gradually hot up empty streets like a black and white silent. Open to unlimited expansion of silence disappear. The voice of all, curled twitching of the tiny figure.19, on her upcoming departure was so cold. The hearts of the people, to have more soft to hard and soft; there are many hard.20, regardless of our sensory acuity can be thousands of miles away a piece of embroidery needle landing sound heard, or was the fifth sense of deprivation, chaos long as the soul invasion of bubbles in a bowl of thick song Tangli, time is always uphold the objective and relentlessly ticking, it won't slow down. It will only be faster.21, in this world, there is nothing to keep a new and clean appearance. All of all, there is life, not life, even if not dead, will be old.22, if you are now in the angle of God or the height of the University, then you will see that there is a wonderful battle between the cat and the mouse.23, the deception is divided into two types: one is she twisted black and white, upside down. She had covered a layer of yarn when in your face, but she told you just outside suddenly blew a fog; she spilled a pool of blood when on your back, but she tells you only the sky suddenly began to rain. This kind of deception is stabbed in the scapula dagger, is caught。
