
如下请高手帮忙翻译成英语: 我们有给客户A报过如下型号的价格,但是他们觉得价格太高。 他们每年都会要求供应商降价,但是由于产量下降和成本的压力,今年要求降价的幅度特别高,即使我们已经尽力调整价格,但还是无法达到他们的要求,事实上我们的利润已经很微薄了,他们

第1个回答  2016-04-20
We have the following models of A quoted price to customers, but they think the price is too high. Each year they will require suppliers to cut the price.But they demand particularly high dropped prices this year because of the cost of the production and pressure.Even though we have tried to adjust the price, but still can't meet their requirements, in fact we already very low profits.Their relevant personnel hope to contact you and see if they can buy these products at the lowest price to in order to achieve the purpose of saving cost. Please if you have received their call or E-mail , try our best to cooperate and support us, also explain related situation, the above will be appreciated!
第2个回答  2016-04-20
As follows, please expert help translate into English: we have the following models of A quoted price to customers, but they think the price is too high. Each year they will require suppliers to price cuts, but because of the cost of the production and pressure, particularly high demand dropped prices this year, even though we have tried to adjust the price, but still can't meet their requirements, in fact we already very low profits, they are
Relevant personnel hope to contact you and see if I can at the lowest price to buy these products, in order to achieve the purpose of saving cost. Telephone or E-mail if you have received them, please try our best to cooperate and support us, also explain related situation, the above will be appreciated!本回答被网友采纳