

第1个回答  2022-12-20
n.(名词)[C]改变,变化 a thing that is different now[U]零钱,硬币 small pieces of money; coins[U]找回的钱,找赎 money that you get when you have paid too muchv.(动词)vt. & vi. 改变 make or become different; make a transfer or conversionvt. & vi. 更换 take or put sth in place of another; substitute one thing for another; exchangevt. 兑换 give money in exchange for money of a different type三、网络解释
1. 交换:C还是创造或造物(Create/Creature)的首字母,当然更是选择(Choose),和交换(Change)的代表,这简直难以置信的和谐!因为宇宙和人类的全部行为和过程都可以被描述为创造,选择和交换,它们正好是一个完整的体系,这个体系还有一个附属属性是能力(或'力'),
2.change:x; 变址
His perception of the change came in a flash.
The change in the weather has mucked up our sports timetable.
This is a tremendous change unparalleled in the history of China and of the world.
The little boy reached in his pocket and pulled out some change.
Can you break this one hundred dollar bill and give me some change?
Please telephone me if you are to change the day of our meeting.
She had to change her way of life when her baby came on the scene.
It is very serious and important, Why do you change horses in midstream.
All our previous ideas are now in the melting-pot; our jobs are bound to change radically.
If she has once set her face against a thing, nothing will persuade her to change her mind.
用作名词 (n.)动词+~advocate (a) change提倡改变carry out changes实行变化cause (a) change引起变化count one's change数零钱effect a change产生变化get one's change取零钱give a change进行变更have no change身边无零钱keep the change不用找钱make a change进行变更,带来变动oppose (a) change反对改变take one's change取零钱witness (a) change目睹变化形容词+~amazing changes惊人的变化chemical change化学变化complete change完全的变化earth-shaking changes翻天覆地的变化economic change经济上的变化enormous change重大的变化essential change基本的改变,实质性的变化frequent changes常见的变化great change巨大的变化last-minute change紧急关头的变化little change几乎无变化loose change零钱marked change显著的变化mighty change大变化momentous change极重要的改变natural change自然的变化necessary change必要的变化needed change必要的改变physical change物理变化political change政局的变化quick change骤变rapid change剧变seasonal changes季节性的变化slight change微小的变化small change零钱substantial change实质性变化sweeping change(s)彻底的变化thorough change彻底的改变total change全部改变unexpected changes未预料到的变化violent change剧烈的变化welcome change可喜的变化名词+~border change边界的变更name change改名surface change表面变化~+介词change for向…转变change for the better好转change from从…的转变change from spring to summer春到夏的转换change from winter to spring冬去春来change in…的变化change in one's world outlook世界观的转变change in social life社会生活的改变change in the situation形势的改变change into变成…change of…的变化change of cars换车change of clothing替换衣物change of diet饮食的改变change of life更年期change of names名字的改变change of residence住址的改变change of seasons季节的转换change of state状态(的)变化change of temperature气温的变化change of the weather天气的变化change of water into steam水变为蒸汽用作动词 (v.)~+名词change arms(军队扛枪时)换肩change breath换口味,换喝另一种酒change colour变脸色change foot改变方向〔步骤〕change front改变攻击方向,改变论调change hands易手change one's mind改变主意change one's note改变口气change one's tune改变态度change oneself换衣服change places交换位置change side改变立场~+副词change greatly大大地改变change suddenly突然转变change down(开车时)换低挡change off轮流做某事change over改变目的〔位置,时间〕change up加速~+介词change about改变方向,变节,反复无常change at the next station在下一站换车change for将…兑换成…change for dinner为进晚餐而换上晚礼服change for the better变好,(病情)好转change for the worse变坏,(病情)恶化change dollars for pounds将美元兑换成英镑change ten for one用10个换1个change in idea and feelings思想感情的变化change into sb's clothes换上某人的衣服change oneself into变成,化为change the desert into farmland把沙漠变成了农田change to an express换乘快车change to Bus 14换乘十四路公共汽车change the appointment to Monday将约会时间改在周一change with与…交换change with temperature随温度变化change old with new以新换旧六、经典引文
Do you really see any change in me?
出自:R. B. SheridanHer health was not good and she needed a change.
出自:J. RhysHe thrives on change, enjoys travel, new foods, [etc.].
出自:A. TofflerYou changed your newspaper once and you soon got used to it.
出自:G. GreeneShe had not changed her clothes.
出自:I. MurdochStewie had changed his..Austin Seven for a..Ford V Eight.
出自:J. Herriot七、词源解说
☆ 14世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的changier;最初源自晚期拉丁语的cambire,意为交换,物物交换。change的相关近义词
changeable、chang、changed、changes、Changea、Changeux、Changeur、changeant、change at、change of、change up、change in