求SAT范文~ 题目为:can knowledge be a burden rather than a benefit?


第1个回答  2014-09-29
Can knowledge be a burden rather than benefit?
Knowledge advances have changed the world and play an extremely important role in almost all aspects of our lives and productions. But scientists in some fields say that they are not able to find solutions to all the problems they have caused. Knowledge advances also bring us a lot of trouble. In the Bible, Adam and Eve lost their Paradise after Eve ate the Fruit of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Today, more and more people want to ask: Can knowledge be a burden rather than benefit?
Firstly, let’s talk about the environmental pollution which many people care about. On one hand, since we started to use plastics, the pollution is more and more serious. We have to spend a large amount of money to make up the harm of it. Besides, some loss cannot be recuperated forever, such as the loss of biodiversity. On the other hand, knowledge advances, for example, the improvement of industrial production and the development and utilization of new energy, can reduce pollution and cut down our requirement of natural resources.
Another obvious problem caused by knowledge advances lies in the IT industry. At a time when we did not have computers and electronic bank services, people took money with them and paid in cash. If they were stolen, only the amount they had with them was lost. But now credit cards are more commonly used in shopping malls and other places, crimes have become more serious and caused greater losses to people. A thief may tape the code of your credit card and make a copy of it. Then he could safely withdraw all your money from an ATM machine. Crimes in this kind are very sticky to solve because there are no witnesses and the surveillance cameras give little help to the police. However, there is no doubt that the internet technology brings us a lot of advantages. It makes our life more convenient, fast, and interesting
These two examples are only small parts of many phenomenon of this kind. Everyone knows that knowledge is power. However, it is a power of destruction or creation, Bacon didn’t tell us. From the discussion above, we can safely draw the conclusion that knowledge is a double-edged sword. In my opinion, the most important thing is how to use it. We should make best use of the advantages and bypass the disadvantages. The scientists should not only research on knowledge itself,but also care about more how to increase the benefit and reduce the harm. Although it will take a long time and need thousands of people’s efforts, it rewards. All in all, we should use knowledge properly, and only in this way can it be
benefit rather a burden to us.