

第1个回答  2022-10-14

In this picture, a teacher is speaking to her students in a puter lab,"Due to recent technological advances, everything I taught you about puters is no longer valid."

It is amusing to see this picture. However, it also makes us ponder about how does the rapid technological development impact our lives in modern society. In my opinion, there are pros and cons in accelerated technological development.

Rapidly updated technology motivates us to conduct self study projects. It is always better to actively look information up than passively gaining knowledge from our teachers, parents, and peers.

On the other hand, it wastes tons of our time, effort, and money if technology updats too fast. For example, Apple promotes their new products very frequently. It almost seems like there is a new version of iPhone every year. Many of the customers just saved enough money to by iPhone 5, then iPhone 6 is out already.

All in all, I believe that scientist should conscientiously control the rate of technological development to balance the demands and the affordability of our society.




这种文章要题目么?实在需要的话就写My Views on the Rapid Technological Development

英语作文 邀请函

Dear SmithsI am very honored to invite you to our county. The Middle autumn festival will e soon, and everybody knows this festival is a Chinese traditional day. We alway eat moon cake under the full moon with our friends and families. In this festival people were gather.So I'm very happy to wrote down this letter to invite you celebrate the festival together.Wait for your replyregards

英文作文 邀请信 不胜感激 在线等

Chairman of Academia CommitteeQinghua UniversityMarch 3, 2006Professor SmithLondon UniversityRe: InvitationDear Prof. Smith,You are cordially invited to attend our annal academic conference held in Qinghua University from July 20, 2006 to July 24, 2006. We would be honored to have your speech regarding the problems beeen economic development and diet. Kindly advise us in advance if you can attend the conference. Attached is the schedule of the conference.Yours sincerely,RuyanChair of Academia Conference


Invitation to my birthday party. My birthday will be on xx August 2011, Saturday. My parents will hold a party for me at home. I would like to invite you to attend. The start time will be 11:00a.m. There will be games and buffet lunch. Also there will be magic show . Please reply to me if you will join. Yours faithfully....


Professor wang:Hello, I'm li dong. I heard you this day to e home, hope you are free to e to our school to a visit. I hope you can teach us how to learn English well, how to improve the English level. About English this course, it is to make many of our students have a headache subject. Many students of English grammar, listening, oral English is not very good, I hope you can in these aspects to our some guidance. If you have time this month 10 words we will arrange seminars on that day the auditorium. Our school a few years this big changes, you e and we can all around the campus. If you are free on that day, I hope you can reply as soon as possible I news!!!! Thank you! I wish all well!Li dongOn July 1, 2011译文:王教授:你好,我是李东。







































1.I had a happy holiday,I went to the countryside in Heibei Province,my hometown,together with my father.2.I am surprised to see great changes have taken place in my hometown.Almost every family has a color TVset,some even have a motorbike and a car.Many families live in a new house.3.A villager told me proudly that some of the villagers and he was planning to travel abroad.4.My name is Xiao Hai.


July 30, 2007 Dear Mr. White, Excuse my being unable to see you and your wife off. Every time I recollect our close fiendship over the last few years. I am personally very sad to see you leave China. I hope we shall keep in touch as you resume your work at your new post. With very good wishes for the future and thanks for what you have done for us.youes sincerely,LI Li


Dear Sir/Madam:Cordially invite you to a dinner party held in Yitian Garden at 6:30 pm this Saturday.Look forward to having you as our guest!Best regards,XXX英语日期附:译文诚挚邀请您参加本周六下午6:30在伊天园举行的晚宴.期待您的光临.XXX 敬上日期


1、I am writing to invite you to…我写信是为了邀请您……2、I think it would be a great idea if you could participate in…如果您参加……那就太好了。

3、I wonder if you can e…我想知道您是否能来……4、How would you like to join us in…?您想不想来参加我们的……?5、Would you please drop me a line to let me know if you can e to…?您可以写信告诉我您能否来……吗?6、My family and I would feel much honored if you could e.如果您能来,我们全家将不胜荣幸。

7、I really hope you can make it.我真心希望您能来。

8、We would be looking forward to your ing.我们期待着您的到来。

9、I would like to meet you there and please let me know your decision soon.我希望能在那里见到您,请早点告诉我您的决定。

10、We would be very glad to invite you as an expert to our university/college to…很高兴邀请您作为专家到我们学校……...

I am looking forward to your kind reply , and all of us will be delighted if you could make a performance,时间状语从句使用等:00pm :字母大写、定语从句使用, we would like to invite you to join us and share with us the good recollection.你的语法错误. Everybody will share his experiences to others , and a dinner party will be followed with abundant and various arrangement including songs presented by Mary ,and perhaps acpanied by John .The party will start at 7我帮你修改一下,你看看到底是哪里出问题了Dear Peter I will hold a dinner party at my house on July 1st 2011 to allow all of our friends enjoy a happy get-together before the graduation and leaving from each other. As you are our closed freind

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