【单词】想减肥,lose weight 怎么用才正确?


第1个回答  2022-06-13
Lose weight


? I want to lose my weight.

粗粗一看好像没什么问题,仔细看好像还是没问题。哈哈,其实问题出在my这个词。如果你说 my weight , 这意味着如果你想要的话,你也是可以减别人的肥的。my 暗示这次是 my 肥,下次可能是your 肥,以后可能是 her 肥,也就是说,你可以选择减谁的肥。

是不是很怪,所以解决办法就是去掉 my:

√ I want to lose weight.

只要说lose weight,我们听了都会假定是主语那个人要减肥。

He's pretty fat. I think he really needs to lose weight.


She ate so much during Chinese New Year. Now she wants to lose weight.


lose 与 weight 中间加某个词,通常不是表示谁的肥,而是要减多少肥。

He looks OK, but he needs to lose a little weight.


Wow, after she started jogging, she lost a lot of weight.


I'd like to lose some weight.



I lost five kilos this summer!


I need to lose about ten pounds after eating like a pig during my Christmas vacation.


* 不用说减谁的肥,说 lose weight 就好了。
