

第1个回答  2014-05-06
In life, there must be many criteria we did not pay attention to, in fact, they are very important, has a significant effect on our life. But who knows, in our daily life, friendship is also a criterion, it is a rope binds us to each other, if a man does not have a friendship that this person is a loser. I hope all the friendship can last forever, because this is oureach friend must do.
Someone asked, what is friendship. In my dictionary, friendship is man and man the best but a kind of emotion, it ispure and beautiful. And I always think friendship is so short, really hope that friendship can last forever.
From ancient to modern times, how many celebrities have said about the words of friendship, I finally realized the great poet Li Bai wrote "why less than Wang Lun gave me love". Because of friendship in our hearts is very valuable,sometimes lost will never come back.
Once at the age of ten, when the understanding of friendship is very thin. Because of a "on the rubber Is it right?She stole things," with me and my friends, my heart to her because of the heavy suspicion was unfeeling to saythose two words. Now I think, I was silly to a realm, because some trifles and will be an easy job to friends, I now regret but also be of no avail. Between friends, should hold to trust each other's heart, should not be subject to interference by outside influences, but the heart often exist doubts, such friendship never enduring as the universe.
And now, I have to remember the lessons, to my friends. I fully trust them, I think, if friends and get along, do not have a sense of trust is wasteful talk. Now, we are in the eight grade level, there is a year will face the senior high school entrance examination pressure great. I think, if graduated, my friends and I will go again? Before all sorts not forget? I really worry for the future, the difference my trust in friends but ultimately unavoidable region.
Why friendship cannot last forever? Every time I think of this problem, the mind will emerge out of a picture when I'm sad friends, is the first time to comfort me; in my happiness, when friends for the first time to share with me. All thesecan let I think friendship is of long time, we should treasure every drop of it. When the ear "friends" that deeply earnestly the lyrics, I understood suddenly become enlightened at once like, a friend is to accompany you for a lifetime person, have a friend in the side, you will not feel lonely. I'm feeling "Auld lang syne" why wrote now:friendship forever, friends, friendship forever. This is the song melody. Yeah, a permanent friendship is so beautiful,why can't we live this precious emotion?
At this moment, no one can understand my mood, I was a keen to get a permanent friendship of people, in life, I have been looking for, try to, I think as long as I seriously this be not easily won the friendship will keep forever.
Life, sometimes dry dull and dry, sometimes the rotten. I think, we in the life of the criteria that make our friendship forever, because there is no what can be more precious than friendship, friendship is the thick and heavy in coloursare indispensable in life's Punchline, had a long friendship, really live a wonderful life.
For auld lang syne, this is the life criterion. You can't use words to describe, because it has been deeply buried inthe depths of the heart, preserved, with its permanent rhythm.
Some people say: friendship is like wine, experience of years more long more fragrant. Some people say: friendship is like tea, taste is weak and not strong, but gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind, is unforgettable.
Indeed, for a personal friendship is very important. It is like one's own brother partner; grow up with "heart". It is these intimate friends, in your growing up on the road to encouraging and uplifting force, make oneself hard, finally reached the "destination travel over land and water"!
Remember, when you cry, a hug a friend? Remember, succeed in your friend, than you excited smile? Remember,on your birthday, that a simple single but painstaking gift to you?
True friends don't need too much courtesy, as long as a look good; a true friend is not any false, only one sentence"should do" is enough.
Maybe your friends aren't necessarily a long-term coexistence with you. But each other deep friendship never because "all in one" and change be reluctant to part of the waved, "although sometimes better advised to drink a cup of wine", West out without a man; "is sometimes" Sundowners, heartbroken men in the horizon;... As long as withlove and care, how much worry anterior no friends?
True friendship is a cup of thick cotton mellow wine, the longer the years, taste more fragrant. True friendship is a cup of fragrant and elegant tea, the day more long, long retention time is also more long!
I hope I can help you! Attach the story of friendship


Arabia legend has two friends to travel in the desert, during some point of the journey they had a quarrel, a back to another a slap in the face. Feel humiliated to be beaten, speechless, wrote in the sand: "Today my best friend hit me a slap in the face"
They walked until the field, they decided to stop. Was slapped nearly drowned, and is saved by the friend. After being rescued, he took a sword and carved on the stone: "Today my best friend saved my life"
His friend asked curiously; "why after I hurt you, you wrote in the sand, and now to be carved in stone?"
Another replied: "when someone hurts, easy to forget to write in place, wind will take it away; on the contrary, if be helped, we should engrave it in the heart, where no wind can ever erase it"
Among friends, is often unintentional injuries, help is intentional. Forget those unintentional injuries, bearing in mind that those who really help you, you'll find out in this world you have many true friends
In daily life, even the best friends may also have friction, we may be separated because of the friction. But whenever in the still of the night, we look to the sky, there will always see the past memories. I don't know why, these memories,but for the lonely hearts bring infinite shock
