

第1个回答  2014-03-09
Once upon a time there were twenty-five tin soldiers, they are brothers, because they are made from cast in the same old tin spoon. They have guns on their shoulders, eyes straight looked at the front, wearing beautiful uniforms, half is red and half is blue. They heard the first thing in the world is \"tin soldier\", that is they lay in a box, a little boy opened the lid after happy to clap hands. They have been sent to him as a birthday gift, he stood beside the table put them up one by one. These figures are all the same, except for one, he has only one leg; He was the last one was cast out, molten tin not enough, so let him firmly stand on one leg, which makes him very conspicuous. Tin soldiers standing on the table filled up with other toys, but the most striking is a small beautiful palaces, made of paper. Through the small window can see inside the room. There are some trees in front of the palace around a mirror, it represents a clear lake. A few made of wax swan lake in upstream, their shadow reflected in the lake. All this is very good, but the most good-looking is a lady, she was standing at the gate of the palace is open; She is also made of paper, dressed in a elegant sarong, shoulder around a blue ribbon, like wearing a shawl. On the ribbon with made of tin foil flash of roses, her whole face. The lady is a dancer, she spread her arms and a leg for so high, the tin soldier was invisible, thought she also like him only one leg. \"She just give me a wife,\" he thought, \"but she is so noble, lived in a palace, but I can live only one box, and we're twenty-five huddled together, live more than her. But I still have to try it and she get to know each other.\" So he behind a snuffbox lie down on the table, peeping Tom that beautiful young lady, she continued to stood on one leg without losing balance. Wait until it was late, other tin soldiers into the box, the family also to go to bed to sleep. Then start calling each other dolls to play their own game, door, war, the dance. Tin soldiers also noisy in the box, they also want to go out with you play together, but can't open the lid. The walnut pincers to play leapfrog, pencil on the desk leap to jump, noisy so much. Woke up to the canary began to speak, and export into a poem. Only the tin soldier and the dancers in situ. She stands on tiptoe standing, his arms open, stood on one leg, and the tin man with one leg stand also. He is not even a moment away from her eyes. The clock struck twelve, slammed the lid of the snuffbox open; But not snuff jump up, but a black goblin; For the snuffbox is a startled toys. \"Tin soldiers,\" the goblin said, \"don't expect something that belongs to you.\" But the tin soldier pretended not to hear his words. \"Very well, then wait until tomorrow.\" The goblin said. The next morning the children to come in, put the tin soldier in the window. Is not good, also small demon capable, or the wind, the window open at a draught, tin soldiers from the third floor she fell headlong fell on the street below. Fell very much, because is upside down, his helmet and bayonets in pavement joint, between the one-legged. Maids and immediately the little boy went downstairs to look for him; But couldn't see him anywhere, although once they nearly stepped on him. If he is called a \"\" here I am,\" good, but he was wearing uniforms, too proud, not Shouting for help. Then it began to rain, the rain is more and more close, the last to rain cats and dogs. Just after the rain, there are two boys, one of them said: \"look, there's a tin soldier here. He should have sat the ship.\" So they use a piece of paper folded into a boat, put in the tin soldiers, let him go down the drain, two boys beside followed him all the time, all the way clap hands. Oh, what big ditch wave! Current how fast! Because just now the rain is too big. Paper dangling, and sometimes go so fast, tin soldiers also shaking; Yet he remained steadfast; His face, looking at the front, straight carrying his gun. Ship suddenly rushing in under a bridge, the bridge is the part of the sewer, the next round black like the box of the tin. But there were twenty-four partner box. \"I am now in where?\" He thought, \"I am sure that this is the dark elves dao ghost. Oh, I wish the lady in the ship with me, again a little bit black I also don't care.\" Suddenly there was a large water rat, it lived here in the gutter. \"You have your papers?\" The mouse asked, \"give it to me right away.\" But tin soldiers remain silent, gun grip tighter. The ship continued to float away, mouse behind. How is it to teeth, it for wood chips and straw shout loudly: \"stop him, stop him! He didn't pay for passing, haven't show me your pass.\" But the water flow more and more urgent. Tin soldiers already visible arch end the sun. By this time he heard a rumble, scary enough to make the bravest intimidated. At the end of the pipe, sewer suddenly empties into a grand canal, for him, the dangerous degree like waterfall for us. He it is too near, there is no way to stop the ship so rushed down and poor tin soldiers can only try to straight body, eyelid also don't move, said he was not a bit afraid. The ship rotating three or four laps, and then filled with water to the boat; There is no way to save it to make it not sink. Now he stood there, the water in his neck, and the ship sank ever deeper, a wet paper becomes soft, loose, the water flooded the tin soldier's head. He remembered that never see beautiful dancer, ear rings in a song: goodbye, warrior! You never so brave, drifted to your grave. This paper has been broken, tin soldiers to sink to the water, was soon a great fish to swallow the belly. Oh, the fish's belly is so black! More than black in the pipe, and more narrow, but tin soldiers remain firm, carrying a gun lying down there. Fish desperately on the rampage, but in the end is still down. After a while, tin soldiers seemed to pass in a flash of lightning, then the sun down, a voice cried: \"oh, there's a tin soldier.\" The fish is caught, to the market to sell to a cook, she bring it into the kitchen, with a meal it open with a knife. She put the tin soldiers, so with your index finger and thumb clamped his waist rooms. Everybody was eager to see this trip in the belly of an amazing tin soldiers, but he didn't feel proud. They put him on the table, but the world is really so many unexpected strange happens he is in the same room, he was down from the window of the room to go outside. Children are children, the original toy, the original is on the table a beautiful palace, beautiful little dancer stood in front of it; She still use a leg to balance the body, the other leg raised, so her as his own firm. See her, almost want to shed tears of tin tin soldiers moved to, but he choked back. He just looked at her, both silent. Suddenly, a little boy pick up the tin soldiers threw it into the fire. He had no reason to do it, so it must be a snuffbox that black demon ghost dao. Tin station where flame burn to his, hot badly, but he couldn't say this is because the real fire or due to the fire of love. Then he saw the bright colours on the uniform he is gone, but it is on the road was washed away, or due to the sad away, no one can say it. He looked at the lady, the lady looked at him. He felt himself in melted down, but he was a gun on his shoulder, remained firm. Suddenly the door opened, and the wind blow up the little dancer, she's like a fairy air swept around just fly into the furnace of tin soldiers, immediately caught fire and burned out. Tin soldiers to melt into a piece of tin. The next morning when the maid to pour the ashes, she found him into a small tin heart. As for the little dancer, then nothing left, leaving only the flower made of tin foil rose and blackened, like a piece of charcoal.本回答被提问者采纳