

第1个回答  2007-01-21
人总是活到老,学到老.You are never too old to learn.
他打算用这些钱购买一辆新车. He is going to buy a new car with the money.
长大后她想当演员吗? Is she going to be an actress when she grows up?
去年她参加演讲比赛,获第一名. She won the first prize in the speech competition last year.
这家宾馆的服务最好. This hotel has the best service.
最受欢迎的城市是哪个? Which is the most popular city?
请你到掉那些垃圾,好吗? Please take out the trash/rubbish/garbage,will you?
谢谢你帮我喂养这些动物. Thank you for feeding these animals for me.
你能帮我喂我的狗吗? Can you help me feed my dog ?本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2007-01-21
We will live and study until the end.
He wants to use this sum of money to buy a new car.
Does she want be an actress when she grows up?
She entered into the competition last year and won first prize.
The service in this hotel is really good.
Which city is most popular?
PLease dispose those garbage, can you?
Thank you for feeding these animals.
Can you help me to feed my dog?
第3个回答  2007-01-21
We will live and study until the end.
He wants to use this sum of money to buy a new car.
Does she want be an actress when she grows up?
She entered into the competition last year and won first prize.
The service in this hotel is really good.
Which city is most popular?
PLease dispose those garbage, can you?
Thank you for feeding these animals.
Can you help me to feed my dog?