教师资格面试教案—初中英语《This is my sister》

距离2020下半年教师资格证面试还有两天时间,各位考生都复习备考的怎么样了呢?为帮助大家抓住这最后的两天时间,环球青藤小编整理了教师资格面试教案—初中英语《This is my sister》,各位初中英语教资考生,还不赶紧来看看!

第1个回答  2021-01-08

初中英语教师资格面试—《This is my sister》教案

人教版七年级上 Unit 2 This is my sister

Section B 2a-2c My family

Teaching topic: My family

Period: one period

Teaching objectives:

Knowledge and skill objectives:

Students will be able to grasp seven words: family, grandfather, grandmother, parents, brother, sister, cousin.

Grasping the sentence pattern "These are" and using it to introduce their family.

Students can find out the specific information in passage

Process and method objectives:

Through individual work, pair work and group work, improving Ss' ability of independent thinking and cooperation.

Through individual work, students can get the reading skill of finding out specific information.

Emotion, attitude and values objectives:

Be aware of the importance of family and learn to love their family members.

Teaching contents

Words: family, photo, grandfather, grandmother, parents, brother, sister, cousin.

Sentence pattern: These are···

Key and difficult points:

Key points: grasp the words and sentence pattern and learn to introduce their own family. And find out the specific information from the text.

Difficult points: how to improve their interest in joining the class.

Major steps and time allocation:

Ⅰ.Lead in (2')

Ⅱ.Pre-reading (10')

Ⅲ.While-reading (20')

Ⅳ.Post-reading (10')

V. Summary (2’)

VI. Homework (1')

Activities and justification

Ⅰ.Lead in

Activity: listen and sing a song Family Fingers

Reason: the music will arouse Ss' interest and the teaching content would be naturally led in.


Play the tape of this passage, and let students guess the main idea of this passage.

Reason: through listening, ss can practice their listening skill as well as get the main idea of this passage.

III while-reading


Activity: Ss read the passage quickly and then try to figure the roles in the pictures.

Careful reading:

Activity 1: read the passage again and fill in the blanks

1. My name is ________.

2. Alan and Mary are my _________.

3. Bob and Eric are my ___________.

4. Cindy is my __________.

5. Helen is my ___________.

Activity 2: read the passage again and answer the questions below.

1. Where are my grandfather and grandmother?

2. Where is Bob and Eric?

3. Who is Cindy?

Activity 3: teach all the new words and the sentence pattern.

Reason: activity1 and activity2 lay a foundation for activity3, and Ss can easily grasp the content through these activities.


Activity 1: Ss introduce their own family to his or her partner by using the structure of the passage.

Activity 2: invite several groups to come to the front to introduce his family and give the best group reward.

Reason: activity 1 can help Ss practice what they have just learned and activity 2 can cultivate Ss' awareness of cooperation and competition.


Activity: ss summarize what they have learnt, and teacher give supplement if necessary, and remind them that they should love their families.

Reason: review what they have learnt in time, and this kind of summary also reflects the new teaching concept.


Activity: introduce the picture in the text book to your parents.

Reason: the open homework would review what they have learned in class but promote communication between parents and children as well.

以上就是关于教师资格面试教案—初中英语《This is my sister》的内容分享,希望能够帮助到各位考生,如果您想了解更多教师资格证考试相关内容,欢迎关注环球青藤网站进行了解哦!