第1个回答 推荐于2016-05-05
Sub xx()
n = [r65536].End(3).Row
If n < 97 Then Exit Sub
For i = 10 To 18
For j = 95 To n - 2
If Cells(j, i) = Cells(n - 1, i) Then Cells(j, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 7: Cells(n - 1, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
If Cells(j, i) - Cells(n - 1, i) = 5 Or Cells(j, i) - Cells(n - 1, i) = -5 Then Cells(j, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 10: Cells(n - 1, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
End Sub本回答被提问者采纳