
题目是I am the most persuasive speaker,长度3分钟左右,高一水平,最好不要太多生词。本人急需~大家快帮帮忙吧~纯复制粘贴党别来!

第1个回答  2010-10-09
A very good morning to our beloved principal, teachers and friends. On this glorious morning, I am Gary the recipient of this year’s “the most persuasive speaker”i am going to give a talk on “How to Become the most persuasive”. In my speech, I am going to share with you some tips on how you can be a persuasive speaker.

Good speakers possess a magnetism that draws others to them. They have interesting things to say and they know how to present the topic with the right length of pause between words or phrases, with the right facial expression and body language, and good pronunciation.Anyone can learn to be a good speaker with practice. Here are some suggestions to help you along your path to success:

Begin by improving your listening and observational skills. Observe people whom you consider as good speakers at work and on television. Good speakers will pause after an important concept or just before reaching a conclusion to give the listener time to absorb the information as much as to create anticipation.

Whenever you are speaking with someone, make sure to maintain eye contact without staring . It will force your brain to stay focused on the conversation. Sometimes a person is not a good listener because his attention is constantly wandering in and out of the conversation so he has difficulty following the topic. You need to be a good listener in order to be a good speaker. Work on maintaining eye contact and you can retrain to a new habit.

Finally,i would like to say be confidence when you are talking.The most important thing is confidence, which allows you to win everything.I have to stop here. I hope you have found my talk helpful. Thank you for listening attentively.
第2个回答  2010-10-08
Beloved teacher, dear students: �
Hello everybody! �
Today I ran for the life members. I know the difficulty of running for life members, but the spirit of one for the class service, sincerely service for students, I was afraid to come to stand for election.
Through this campaign, I wish I could equip themselves to exercise their own, play to their skills, expand their horizons and improve the level of the baking.
If I am elected life member I will grasp this opportunity, more stringent demands on themselves and fulfill their duties to serve the students, and students progress together. I will lead by example, to do everything carefully and seriously study and take seriously every event, every exercise. In addition, I will develop effective plans. Some might say this is only a "sake of making criticisms," but their actions I will prove everything I have said, do what you preach, and action must be.
Life is a major responsibility of members, but please believe me, I will not live up to my expectations, and serve as student services. Please vote for me now!
My lecture, thank you!
第3个回答  2010-10-09