

第1个回答  2022-06-21

  漫画作为独特的艺术门类,深受世界人民的喜爱,并被西方艺术评论家们誉为 “ 第九艺术 ” ,你知道漫画书的英文是什么吗?现在跟我一起来学习关于漫画书的英语知识吧!


  comic books


  list of comic books


  comic book



  some comic books



  1. Not all comic books are bad. Some are very good.

  并非所有滑稽类的书都有害, 有些是非常好的. ”

  2. In our house, there are lots of comic books.


  3. Do you really LET your boys read comic books?


  4. We like comic books most of all because we never know what will happen next.


  5. I never knew they put Shakespeare in comic books.


  6. The bookstore has just bought some attractive comic books.


  7. His newly compiled comic books have been recently published.


  8. I wonder why children like comic books, Mrs Easton asked.

  “我想知道为什么孩子们喜欢滑稽类的书, ”伊斯顿夫人问.

  9. The teacher away my comic books to teach me a lesson.


  10. B : I sometimes read comic books on the weekend.


  11. Comic books are filled with heroes and villains.


  12. David likes comic books.


  13. Frizzy - haired , friendless , neurotic a collector of comic books, Seth broke the mold on modern day protagonists.

  卷发、孤僻、神经质、喜欢收集漫画, 赛思打破了现代主角的固有模式.

  14. By Princess's accounts, he spent the long days sleeping and catching up on his comic books.

  藉著公主的帐户, 他每天花费了长人睡觉和赶上他的漫画.

  15. Soon the distributor arrived and I asked him if we could have the comic books.



  Late last spring, a doctoral student worked late into the night. As she doodled, her chemistry thesis took on a life of its own, transforming into a comic book.


  Veronica Berns, 28, was working on her Ph. D. in chemistry at the University of Wisconsin -Madison. Berns said she long struggled to explain her work to her parents and friends. The self-described comic book fan said she began drafting her thesis on quasicrystals — a subset of crystals that diverge from the usual structural characteristics of crystals. Berns quickly concluded that she would be best able to describe the oddball compounds with illustrations.


  "They're not very well-polished illustrations. That's on purpose," Berns said. "I wanted it to be like I'm explaining on the back of an envelope."


  And on many occasions, it was on the back of an envelope or on a napkin that she doodled sketches of the chemical bonds to better show her parents what she was working on in the lab. Jody Berns, Veronica's mother, said their family has a history of doodling and has shared comics for years.


  Berns surprised her family with her comic book "Atomic Size Matters" at her graduation last year. The book depicts cartoons of Berns wearing various costumes and uses humor as well as simple comparisons to describe elaborate chemistry.

  在去年的 毕业 典礼上,伯恩斯以漫画书《原子大小的重要性》给了家人意外的惊喜。在这本书里,伯恩斯自己的漫画形象以不同的行头出镜,用幽默诙谐、简单类比的方式向人们描述复杂的化学。

  "We're just really proud that she can take something so complex and put it into a fun visual explanation that everyone can enjoy," Jody Berns said.


  Veronica Berns' professor Danny Fredrickson said Berns was the first of his students to construct her thesis in an artistic way. He said often it is difficult for scientists to explain what they do with proper context.


  "If it's worth doing, we should be able to explain it," Fredrickson said.


  And he said Berns managed to accomplish that.


  Berns said she hopes other scientists will find ways to illustrate what they're doing in the lab. She now lives in Chicago and works as a chemist. Berns also writes a blog in which she uses comics to explain the work of Nobel Prize winning scientists.

  伯恩斯说,她希望其他科学家可以找到 方法 阐述他们的实验室工作。她现在住在芝加哥,是一名化学工作者。她还在自己的博客里用漫画向人们解释诺贝尔奖科学家们的著作。

  Berns started a Kickstarter fundraising campaign to finance printing a small batch of the books. She said she wanted to raise $5,965 to cover the costs of professional printing. The website says she has raised more than $14,000.



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