

第1个回答  2024-04-27
1. 姑射神人的传说源自《庄子·逍遥游》,描述了一位居于藐姑射之山的神人,其肌肤如同冰雪般洁白,神态绰约如处女。此神人不食用五谷,而是吸风饮露,能乘云气,御六龙,游历四海之外。他的神态专注,能使万物不受疾病侵扰,年年丰收。
2. 广寒仙子是月中的仙女,而姑射神人则是在雪中出现的仙子。这是出自明代冯梦龙的《警世通言》卷三十五的描述。
3. 姑射神人,又称姑射真人,是中国古代传说中的神话人物,以天姿灵秀、意气高洁著称。最早关于姑射仙子的记载见于《庄子·逍遥游》,其中描述了她的仙姿和超凡脱俗的生活状态。
4. 被誉为掌雪之神,姑射神人掌管着雪。在《黄帝篇》中也有关于她的记载,描述她吸风饮露,不吃五谷,心如渊泉,形如处女,不依赖他人,连仙圣都为她效力。
5. 在《喻世名言》的《张古老种瓜娶文女》一篇中,提到了姑射真人、周琼姬和董双成这三位掌管雪的神人。周琼姬掌管芙蓉城,董双成掌管贮雪的琉璃净瓶,而姑射真人则用黄金箸敲出雪片,下降瑞雪。
6. 紫府真人 once held a feast, at which Gu Razhen and Dong Shuangcheng were guests. After a night of heavy drinking, the golden chopsticks accidentally broke the jar, causing a snowfall that year. There is a song about this event called "Thinking of the Fairy Gu," which describes the feast in the purple mansion, the accidental breaking of the jar, and the subsequent snowfall.
7. Gu Razhen, the Goddess of Snow, is the deity in charge of snow, and she is the only one who deserves the description "natural grace, spiritual and noble." Some people mistake the Four Dragon Kings of the North for the deities in charge of snow, but the Dragon Kings are actually in charge of wind and rain.
8. The above information may help you understand the ancient Chinese beliefs about snow control deities.