
"我曾经获得市数学论文比赛一等奖. "
"从小我就喜爱画画, 我获得过全国绘画比赛的奖项以及得过很多学校艺术节比赛以及市里比赛的奖项. "
"我在学校多次参加运动会体育节等比赛并获得较好名词, 比如短跑接力以及800米和1500米长跑比赛."

第1个回答  2010-09-03
I had gotten the award of merit student and excellent cadre of class,
I had won the first of math composition in my town.
I love drawing when i still a child,i had guin the award of the dawing match in my country and i also had gotten the compete award in my school art festival and town.
My piano is 9degree.
I had join many times sports meeting and so on,i also got good ranting,for example short run relay and 800,1500 metersof long run【由于本人水平有限,错漏之处还请多多见谅】
第2个回答  2010-09-03
"I got three good 10 grade students and awards outstanding cadres." "I had got the first award in the Urban Mathematics papers." "I grew fond of painting, I have won prizes in national painting competitions and won many School Arts Festival and the city awards the game. "" I am the piano 9 "" I have participated in many sports in the school sports festival, competitions and get better terms, such as Sprint Relay and the 800 meters and 1,500 meters long distance race. "
第3个回答  2010-09-03
I obtained in 10 grade and outstanding cadres miyoshi students."
"I won the first prize in math papers city."
"Ever since I was little, I love painting won the award of painting competition and too many schools of art and city game."
"I am piano 9 class."
"At school I participated in the games and sports festivals game better terms, such as sprinting relay and 800 meters and 1500 metres race."本回答被提问者和网友采纳