英语,doing是动词,为什么不说what do you doing?而用are?


are doing是现在进行时,是由be动词的现在时加上动词的现在分词构成。如果用do,则是一般现在时,并且助动词do后面的动词要用原形。
现在进行时的基本用法是表现在(即说话人的说话时刻)正在进行的动作,可在now,at present,at this moment,these days等时间状语连用,也可不用时间状语。如:
What are you doing now, John? 你现在正在干什么呢,约翰?
Where are you going? 你上哪儿去?
The telephone is ringing, would you answer it? 电话铃响了,请你接一下,好吗?
George is translating a book now. 乔治现在在翻译一本书。
—What are you doing? 你在干什么?
—I’m not doing anything at present. 我现在什么也不干。
He is speaking English much more fluently than he used to. 他的英语讲得比过去流利多了。
The boy is jumping with joy. 那男孩高兴得在跳呢。
Someone is knocking at the door. 有人敲门。
Men are dropping with malaria, dysentery and simple starvation. 士兵们由于疟疾、疾病或仅仅因为饥饿一个接一个地倒了下去。
Ours is an epoch in which heroes are coming forward in multitudes. 我们的时代是一个英雄辈出的时代。
The ambulance is arriving. 救护车就来。
The sun is setting. 太阳开始落山了。
He is dying. 他奄奄一息了。
The fruit is ripening. 这果子快熟了。
We usually have breakfast at 7, but during the holidays we’ve having it at 8. 平常我们是七点吃早餐,但放假期间就改到八点了。
I’m not sleeping well. I want to take a holiday. 近日我睡觉不好。我想休假。
I am missing you dreadfully. 我非常思念你。
She is always helping me in the kitchen. 她总是帮我干厨房活。(表表扬)
Now, that boy is again whistling his infernal melodies. 喏,那小子又打口哨吹起他那些该死的曲儿来了。(表厌恶)
He is unconscious and groaning. 他失去了知觉。不停地呻吟着。
When I say that, I’m thinking of the students. 我这样说是为学生着想。(表原因,解释when I say that)
He is busy. He is writing a letter. 他有事。他在写信。(描写前句)
She was silent, and she was saying much. 她默不作声,这反而意义深长。(表结果,有归纳或总结之意)
5)与状语连用。现在进行时除与now,at present等时间状语连用外,还常与only,merely,simply,really,actually,certainly,fast,rapidly,slowly,finally,steadily,constantly,continually,always,for ever,all the time等词语连用。如:
I am only joking. 我只是开个玩笑。
John is always coming late. 约翰老是迟到。
Trade between the two countries is finally beginning to take off. 两国之间终于开始进行贸易了。
We are suffering while they are expanding. 我们受苦,他们却在兴旺发达。(用于时间状语从句)
If he is doing this, he is doing wrong. 假如他在做此事,那他就做错了。(用于条件状语从句)
I don’t know what they are talking about. 我不知道他们在谈论什么。(动词know后的宾语从句的谓语动词常用现在进行时)
They talk and they don’t realize what they’re saying. 他们肯说,但他们却不知道自己说些什么。(用于宾语从句,此处的现在进行时are saying,不一定表现在)
The man who is standing there is my uncle. 站在那里的那个人是我的叔叔。(用于定语从句)
What’s that you’re holding in your hand? 你手里拿着的是什么?(用于定语从句)
Sounds are produced when the air which is being forced up from the lungs puts the vocal chords into vibration. 从肺部发生的气,震动了声带,即发出声音。(用于定语从句,现在进行时is being forced up从属于现在一般时puts,并不表说话时的现在)
There’s a lady in the picture who is lying in a couch. 画中有一位贵妇人,她躺在睡椅上。
What are you waiting for? 你等什么呢?(当代英语在此似乎很少用现在一般时wait)
We are having a cold wave these days. 这些天我们正遇上了寒流。(临时性)
They’re seeing an English movie now. 他们正在看一部英语电影。(能动性,seeing等于watching)
How are you feeling today? 你今天感觉如何?(生动亲切)
You are not being polite. 你这可不大客气呀。
Jeremy was being slow, and I remember wondering why he was being slow. S杰里米有意慢慢腾腾(平时并非如此),我记得曾对此感到纳闷。
I’m forgetting my French. 我的法语荒疏了。
How are you liking Beijing? 你觉得北京如何?(问初步印象)
I’m hoping that you will come and have a chat with me. 我倒希望你来聊聊天。
第1个回答  2017-03-14
这与英语动词的时态有关,are doing 是现在进 行时态, What are you doing?意思是 你现在正在干什么。What do you often do? 是一般现在时,表示经常做的事情但不是正在做。
第2个回答  2017-03-14
1、What are you doing? 是现在进行时态,动词结构是 be + doing.、
2、What do you do? 的话就是一般现在时了。