

第1个回答  2016-05-13

1. Each does what he thinks is right.
2. Each goes his own way.
act as one pleases;act wilfully;Each acts (in) his own way.;Each does what he thinks is right.;
If everyone acts as he pleases, everything will be in a muddle.
Different tribunals or courts should offer to communicate with each other and should not each go their own way.
The cigarette companies work together to fight some strict policies and go their separate ways on others.
We may choose the components to emphasize, but it must be the entire mechanism that always works.
But the two documents do share a point of view that was prevalent at the time-that individuals are usually best left to theirown devices, without the heavy hand of government guiding their actions.
The guiding principles, development goals, major policies, legal system and important work arrangements, among others,of the party and the state must be consistent and centralized. No localities, departments and institutions should go theirown way.
No one can say exactly how many people alive in britain today were conceived through donor conception-estimates put itat around40000-because until the hfea arrived, private clinics decided the rules.
The exploration of harmonious education has not been satisfactory so far, mainly because of the lack of the rational studyon its category, structure and standpoint which causes each does what he thinks is right, and difficult to be thoroughly andsystematically.