甚么是 Significant Figures ?


第1个回答  2022-11-13
Significant figures Significant figures is the number of digits beeen the first leftmost non-zero digit and last digit. For example
123472(6 sig. .fig) 23.478(5 sig. fig.) 0.1099(4 sig. fig.) 0.000079900(5 sig. fig.) Rounding off(四舍五入) 31465 = 31470(corr. to the nearest ten OR 4 sig. fig.) 31465 = 31500(corr. to the nearest hundred OR 3 sig. fig.) 31465=31000(corr. to the nearest thousand OR 2 sig. fig.) 31465=30000(corr. to the nearest ten thousand OR 1 sig. fig.) 14.932 = 14.93 (corr. to the nearest hundredth OR corr. to 2 decimal places(d.p.) OR 4 sig. fig.) 37.5695 = 37.570 (corr. to the nearest thousandth OR corr. to 3 d.p. OR 5 sig. fig.) 38.6 = 39 (corr. to the nearest integer) 0.003716 = 0.00372 (corr. to 5 d.p. OR 3 sig. fig.) 2.371 x 10-8=2.4 x 10-8 (corr. to 2 sig.fig.) Round Off 3.63414 Correct To Three Significant Figures : 3.63414=3.63 (Correct To Three Significant Figures)
即系有效数字~ 如你既题目要round off to 3 个有效数字~ 答案系3.63 明未?