

第1个回答  2022-07-22
make do with sth 将就使用例:If we can’t get limes,we’ll have to make do with lemons.如果我们没有酸橙,只好将就一下用柠檬.
make for 1.朝…移动或走例:He made for the pig.他向那头猪走去.2.非常适合(协调);天造地设例:Jim and Alice are made for each other.Jim和Alice是天生一对.
make sb/sth into sb/sth 使变成;使转变为例:She made her spare room into an office.她把她家多余的房间改成办公室.
make sth of sb/sth 懂得;理解例:What do you make of Colin’s letter?Conlin的信你看得明白么?
make off (with sth) 匆忙离开,逃走(如偷了东西后)例:Jason’s made off with my wallet!with my wallet!Jason偷走了我的钱包!
make sb/sth out 1,理解;明白 I can’t make out what he is saying.我不懂他在说什么.2看出;听出;辨认出 I could hardly make out anything in the thick fog.在浓雾中我几乎什么也看不见.3.开出,写出 The teacher has made out a list of reference books.老师已开出了一份参考书单.4.(informal)暗示;建议例:You make me out to be a liar.你暗示我不要说谎.5.(informal)试图建立或者证明 例:Jason made out that he was innocent.Jason试图证明自己是无辜的.
make up 1.化妆例:It didn’t take her long to make up.她很快就化妆好了.2.构成;组成例:How many countries make up the European Union?欧盟由多少个国家组成?3.编造;捏造;虚构例:Jason made up an excuse in order
to escape the punishment.为了逃避惩罚Jason编造了一个借口.4.补充;补足;凑足例:We need one more person to make up our football team.我们还需要一个人才可以凑足一个足球队.5.make up for
sth 补救;弥补例:Her enthusiasm makes up for her lack of experience.她的热诚弥补了她经验的不足.6.和解,和好例:James and Kobe quarreled,but made up after a while.詹姆斯和科比吵架,但一会儿就和好了.
bemade of 由…制成(原材料显而易见的情况) be made from由…制成(原材料不易看出的情况) be made in 在…制造
makeover 1.转让,移交 例:He has made over his property to a hospital.他已经将财产转交给了一家医院.2.修改,改造 例:He asked the tailorto make over his trousers.他叫裁缝修改他的裤子.