如何评价 Pink Floyd 乐队正式解散


第1个回答  2017-03-13
David Gilmour在8月12日接受了Classic Rock的采访,摘抄Pink Floyd的部分如下,可以一撇这几人中尤其是Gilmour现在的心境(自翻,错误望指出):
Mark Ellen (Classic Rock Magazine): I interviewed Nick Mason and Roger Waters recently and asked about the likelihood of Floyd reunion. Nick said: “I love touring and I live in hope”. Roger said it was “out of the question”, as life at his age [71] “should be devoted to doing the things you want to do”. Pink Floyd so far is three-act play. Will there ever be a fourth act?
马克·艾伦:我最近采访了Nick Mason和Roger Waters,问了他们一些关于Floyd重组可能性的问题。Nick说,“我喜欢巡演,也总是活在希望之中”。Roger说这“不在考虑范围内”,毕竟他已经71岁了,“应该全身心做自己想做的事情”。Pink Floyd三人组合已久,还会有四人的可能吗?

David Gilmour: No. I’m done with it. I’ve had a life in Pink Floyd for – what’s twenty-one from sixty-nine? Quite a lot of years. I’ve had forty-eight years in Pink Floyd – quite a few of those years at the beginning, with Roger – and those years in what is now considered to be our heyday were ninety-five per cent musically fulfilling and joyous and full of fun and laughter. And I certainly don’t want to let the other five per cent colour my view of what was a long and fantastic time together. But it has run its course, we are done, and it would be fakery to go back and do it again.
大卫·吉尔莫:不。我已经完事了。我的一生在Pink Floyd里度过了——48年在69年的时光里占多少?那可是相当长的岁月。我在Pink Floyd里度过了48年——早些年头我一直与Roger共事——所谓的被称为我们的全盛期的那些年里,95%的时候我们都充满了和谐愉快的欢声与笑语。我当然不希望剩下的5%使我对那些长久又美妙的时光产生偏见。但该做的都做了,我们已经结束了,重归于好、再操旧业总会变得不真实。
And to do it without Rick would just be wrong. I’m all for Roger doing whatever he wants to do and enjoying himself and getting the joy he must have had out of those Wall shows. I’m at peace with all of these things. But I absolutely don’t want to go back. I don’t want to go and play stadiums… under the [group] banner. I’m free to do exactly what I want to do and how I want to do it. I don’t know if it’s as good as Pink Floyd or worse than Pink Floyd or better than Pink Floyd. I don’t give a shit. It’s what I want to do and it’s what I will do.
没有Rick的重组也只能是个错误。我只希望Roger继续做他喜欢的、享尽天伦、从那些“迷墙巡演”中获得乐趣。对这些事我早已看开了。但我绝不会回去。我不想在体育场演出,不想站在乐队的横幅下。我现在也能无拘无束地做我想做的。我不知道我会做得和Pink Floyd一样好、更差、还是更好。我不在乎。那才是我的心之所向。

Mark Ellen: But no temptation to carry on?

David Gilmour: Been there, done that. Obviously I accept there are people who want to go and see and hear this legend that was Pink Floyd, but I’m afraid that’s not my responsibility. To me it’s just two words that tie together the work that four people did together. It’s just a pop group. I don’t need it. I don’t need to go there. I’m not being coy or difficult, I just think that at my age I should do whatever I really want to do in life.

故地重游罢了。很明显有许多人等着我们回归来一睹传奇Pink Floyd的风采,但我觉得这不是我的义务。对我来说,只有四个字可以形容我们四个人再次站到一起的时候,那就是:“流行天团”。我不想这样,我也没有必要,我不是故作为难,我只是认为,到了这个年纪,我们应该做一切一生中我们想做的事情。

David Gilmour在8月14日又接受了RollingStone的采访,摘抄Pink Floyd的部分如下,其实都是一个意思:

Andy Greene (RollingStone Magazine): I'm sure you're sick of this question, but are Pink Floyd done forever as either a touring or recording unit?

安迪·格林:我很确定你已经厌烦了这个问题,但Pink Floyd是永远结束了吗?不论巡演还是录音?
David Gilmour: Yeah, for me it is. I've enjoyed that part of my life; that life has given me so much. There's been a lot of joy, a lot of laughter, a lot of creative satisfaction. We've had a lot of good companionship for 95 percent of our time together. I wouldn't want that five percent that was a little more sour to make my view of it less enjoyable. All things must pass. All things must come to an end. I don't want to go back there. I've done it.