

第1个回答  2014-06-25
Sometimes, it is more desirablefor an organization to transfer its own employees to fill new open position orpromote the potential ones to higher position.
This has several advantages.
(1) First,organization has a better knowledge of job candidate’s strengths, weakness andprevious performance evaluations, thus reducing the chance of making a wrongdecision.
(2) In addition, job candidates also know moreabout the organization and how it operates, and this knowledge increase thelikelihood they will succeed. Anotheradvantage is that motivation and morale of employees are enhanced when itpromotes from within or prevents layoff through transfer. Because when employees know they will beconsidered for openings, they will be stimulated to have good performance.
(3) Finally,the return on investment that an organization has in its present workforce isincreased.
However, internal recruitment alsohas disadvantages.
(1) Onedanger is that over-intense infighting for promotions can negatively affectmorale and performance of people who are not promoted.
(2) Perhapsthe biggest danger, however, is inbreeding. Inbreeding can reduce the chance ofnew ideas and innovations flowing into organization.

第2个回答  2014-06-25

Internal recruitment has the following advantages:

    Produce incentive effects and the model power. Internal selection to provide advancement opportunities to employees so that organizational growth and employee growth pace for a better vision, easy to encourage staff morale, the formation of aggressive the pursuit of a successful atmosphere. be promoted staff to set an example for other employees, to take the lead role.

     Increase employee loyalty. For the appointment of internal staff, is itself in the integrity, ability and professional staff are more excellent, they not only as their own business, "business platform", but more important is the enterprise as a "community of destiny", thus higher loyalty to the organization. 

    Low cost and high efficiency. Saves the high cost of recruitment, but also eliminates unnecessary training, reducing the indirect losses, and personnel turnover, the loss of the possibility of small. Existing staff more receptive to the leadership and management, easy communication and coordination, easy to eliminate marginal friction, easy to implement the principles, easy to organization effectiveness.

     Adaptable. Existing staff to better understand and become familiar with the modus operandi of the organization, business processes, interpersonal relationships, and new staff recruited from the outside than the shorter positioning, they can better adapt to the new job.


    Although there are so many internal recruitment advantages, but there are also many drawbacks: 

    1. May cause internal conflict. Need for internal selection competition, and competition may cause the failure of staff dissatisfaction, psychological imbalance or frustrated, their morale is low, the negative emotions and increase the staff in charge of ideological work at all levels. Selection may also lead to internal departments, "dug talent", which is not conducive to collaboration between departments and the organization's internal unity.

    2.Not conducive to the establishment of the new head of reputation. Competent staff in the new generation from the same level when they will be "is everyone a member of the" emotional bondage, will feel the lack of trust would lead to the comparison of the working groups, psychological imbalance, so that can not be good head complete role, a leadership reputation is not easy.

    3. May be a "nepotism" or gang phenomenon.

    4. There will be injustice. Internal selection may be by seniority or personal relationships or leadership preferences rather than performance, ability to form unhealthy practices, and to have the ability to staff career development obstacle, resulting in good brain drain or buried, undermine the competitiveness of enterprises . 

    5. The formation of "inbreeding" of the state. Employees within the same organization have the same cultural background, may be "inbreeding" phenomenon, stifled innovation, and thus rigid thinking, awareness, the organization is not conducive to long-term development.

    6. Lose the opportunity to select the external talent. Under normal circumstances, the external talent is more, if blindly seek "Part Manufacturing", reducing the external "fresh blood" into the organization the opportunity, the surface is cost savings, is actually a huge waste of opportunity cost.

第3个回答  2014-06-25